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What do you do when people insist they have seen a "ghost"?

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PondartIncbendog 8 Oct 23

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Well, I actually have a video while ghost hunting and someone said my Name in the video and then said it was my MOTHER and then called me a BITCH. So....verdicts out but that did sound like my mother.


I've never seen a ghost but a lot of people claim they have, so I'm open to it.


Listen to them attentively. I might learn something.


Actually, I try to be polite and listen without encouraging, waiting for the topic to change. I do not need to leave unless it is someone I am not attached to.

Zster Level 8 Oct 23, 2019

Some people claim to have had ghostly experiences without actually having seen a ghost. It seems impossible to refute some of those accounts. IMO a rational person should maintain an open mind to the possibility of ghosts.

"Ghosts" are irrational.

@PondartIncbendog So is making a judgement without considering the evidence. Or so many of our atheist friends tell us frequently,

@Geoffrey51 WHAT evidence? What facts?

@PondartIncbendog Listen to the person’s testimony


Tell them about the two I saw when young, and why I know I was mistaken.

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