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Stephen Hawking famously said that "Philosophy is dead." What do you think? Does philosophy still inform science, or hinder it?

GarytheGondolier 6 Oct 25

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All I know is I had to take the philosophy class in college and I was not ready to learn about philosophy. Peace

I dropped out of "phil9sophy" after about 5 weeks, took "Comparative Religion" instead. Such a better choice, learned all about the hows & whys of Middle Eastern ancient religions, the wars & power shifts, how monotheism came to the Hebrews, etc etc etc...and still serves me 50+ years later in debates with "believers"!


Like everything else, philosophy evolves. It is not dead but still growing and most of our important ideas still rely on philosophical reasoning.


Scientists can be morons. Philosophers have a much greater understanding.

gater Level 7 Oct 25, 2019

Science can't be all-knowing due if nothing else to the limits of mathematics, so I think there is a place for philosophy.

Bertrand Russell: "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”


Glad I retired--before the wood got out!!


Without the Philosophy of Science, Scientific Method remains in danger of degenerating into sheer superstition. Know more at: []


Hawking and Einstein are morons next to Aristotle.

gater Level 7 Oct 25, 2019

According to Bertrand Russell Aristotle said that women have more teeth than men. Although Aristotle was married twice it seems it never occurred to him to look into the mouth of either of his two wives.

@ASTRALMAX I don't believe that.


It seems that the basis of your knowedge is "belief," whereas a simple research would dispel the need for "belief" as the basis of knowledge.

Cynthia Freeland wrote: "Aristotle says that the courage of a man lies in commanding, a woman's lies in obeying; that 'matter yearns for form, as the female for the male and the ugly for the beautiful'; that women have fewer teeth than men; that a female is an incomplete male or 'as it were, a deformity'."[3


@AtheistReader I call bullshit - Aristotle was one of the brightest men ever. He was a scientist and a philosopher - clearing this up would be simple.

You mean the same Aristotle who claimed that playing the flute would turn young men gay and make young women promiscuous?
Politics – Book VIII

Or that gold falls faster than lead?
Or that spiders had six legs and were to be classified as insects?
Or Men have more teeth than women.
Or Men's blood is hotter than women's blood.
Or that some people are naturally born to be slaves, and it is just and moral to enslave them.
Or the earth is the center of the universe.
Or that the earth is and has been there for all eternity.
Or all less formers of life spontaneously come into being and don't reproduce.
Or the natural state for all objects is to be at rest; they require constant application of force to move.
Or that there are a total of seven heavenly bodies, which are perfect and never change.
Or that the heart is the organ of reason and intellect.

But this can all be explained since he honestly believed the sole function of the brain is to cool the blood.

Yes he was a real fucking genius.

@ASTRALMAX "According to Bertrand Russell Aristotle said that women have more teeth than men."
@gater "I don't believe that."

Me: Well then you have never actually read Aristotle or Bertrand Russell then have you!

@LenHazell53 Aristotle claimed the Universe is infinite - which it is. Einstein and Hawking never made this claim. Einstein did not understand space, time, or gravity, he was more a science fiction theorist.

@gater NO he did not, Aristotle claimed the universe was made up of 53 concentric circles orbiting a stationary earth and that the earth was eternal not infinite.
And you really think the the author of the general theory of relativity did not understand gravity?
Read a book.

@LenHazell53 Aristotle claimed the Universe is "borderless" - meaning it goes on forever - its infinite.

Einstein thought gravity effects time - it doesn't. He didn't understand either.

Use your brain.

@gater I do, you need not further prove that you don't, you have adequately proven yourself an ignoramus since you know nothing of time dilation, Aristotle or Einstein

@LenHazell53 Time dilation has nothing to do with time. Time dilation is the effect gravity has on matter, as in a GPS device.

@gater yeah whatever you say diddums

@LenHazell53 Maybe you should read a book about Time Dilation, since you brought it up you should learn something about it.


I thought


Philosophy might mean something but I'm tired of modern people telling me that ancients suggested we might be a brain in a vat, or that we are actually living in a matrix. This is a totally ignorant response to suggest support for your ideas today. Sounds to me like these ideas came out of a society that had computers and virtual reality with movies that popularized the whole idea.

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