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Suppose you were to try to convince someone of your non-belief in the existence of God, what (in less than 200 words) would you say?

Dumbassaphobia 4 Oct 27

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To believe or not to believe is an intimate personal choice. You seem to want to convince someone that you are a non believer. Why would you want to do that ? Your actions and choices would show up more than any number of words !


I asked my oncologist if he (in his 35 years of experience) had seen a difference in the cancer remission rates and relapse rates between the various religions including atheist/agnostic and his answer was a logical “No.”


I don't believe in gods like I don't believe in fairies, leprechauns or vampires. The only thing that will change my mind on this is evidence and I doubt you will have any good evidence for any of the 4.


Don' is a waste of time wandering in / out of their circular so called reasoning ....their fears of hell and desperation for alleged heaven....if a believer wants some benefit of Atheism, I tell them they have to earn freedom from is work to navigate the real world and exercise self reliance....useless prEying and magical thinking is childish at best and violent betrayal of our Feminist Atheist birthright of nurturing scientific progress in our technological society....the gibberish sound gawd is not a word deserving capitalization....the burden of proof is never upon Atheists....believers must provide evidence of exactly what and where their alleged gawd things may be


There is no God, nothing happens when you die. It's like the end of Terminator with the thumb and the red light that disappears.


I wouldn't bother


I haven't, I won't.... that's all.


The burden of proof is on them... Not me. My beliefs are my own and are not something that is proven or disproven. (Hence the word BELIEF)


"There is nothing you or anyone else can say about God with certainty. There is no proof, nor a shred of evidence. In this case, the absence of evidence IS evidence of absence; claiming God hides for the sake of faith is absurd or worse. Close examination of the devout demonstrates that they are either hopelessly ignorant and/or delusional and otherwise psychotic. Good and true values exist (searching for Truth and understanding the derived wisdom). However, you do not find truly good/humane values, nor the reverence for Truth among the religious. You can readily observe the absence of good values in religious people, and will usually find the embrace of ignorance and hatred there instead.


First, no rational argument exists to demonstrate God exists. Those used contain errors of logic or only demonstrate something being consistent with God rather than proving his existence.
Second, the claims found in writings about God are inconsistent with each other and tell one more about the culture of the people than the existence of God.


I won't waste 200 words on truth or on lie.


Two words: study history.

The "god" question really isn't a philosophical one, or a spiritual one. If you study history, and how the religion changed itself and interacted with the contemporary power and society, you will be convinced that this religion thing is man-made.

Start with this: []


In ancient times, the mentally ill were said to have been "touched by god (or the gods)". Ancient prphets were just the more functional of the mentally ill. Would anyone today follow a person who said they heard voices nobody else could hear or saw "angels" that nobody else could see? Just because claims were made thousands of years ago, doe snto make them any more valid than persons making similar claims today. Back then nobody knew any better.


It is almost impossible to prove the non existence of a thing, especially something so difficult to define.

Rather what proof was available to convince others that a benign god exists rather than hope.

Reed Level 1 Oct 28, 2019

What is agnosticism? Agnosticism is uncertainty. But there is no absolute certainty for mere human intelligence. And yet, in rational science, the burden of evidentiary support remains upon the positive. Without good evidence, the default is disbelief. And agnosticism is a weasel word for atheism. In order honestly to remain on the fence, there must be at least any grounds for suspicion. And there isn't. All views seek support from the same body of evidence. The question ever remains as to which among competing viable hypotheses is better supported by that same body of evidence. And Theism isn't even viable. Know more at:: []


"Why are Christians and Islamists fighting over the same God? Yes Allah is the Christian god." Then I'd walk away.


Honestly I would just say that if there WAS a God, it is not something that I would be able to get behind. The God that people tend to worship is a vein, egotistical, and childish God. What kind of omnipotent being REQUIRES you to devote your life to him? It's so petty, and ridiculous that it is hard to fathom that is actually a God. I choose to believe science, and facts. If there was literally one piece of irrefutable evidence that God existed, it would completely shatter atheism and agnosticism.


If god didn't exist, we'd have to make him up, therefore we need god. If we need him, he must exist, as our needs are more important than reality. So if you believe, your needs will be met & you'll be happy


#MoreResearch The beings being worshiped are NOT gods.. #IRONIC

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