Do you give to folks asking for money, holding up signs on the corner? What if their signs include God Bless on it? I find myself less inclined to want to offer anything when religion is brought into the request.
So many of them are frauds that I can't conscientiously give them my money. I prefer to donate my time and money where I know it will make a difference and benefit someone who needs it.
I often give. I know people who are now or have been homeless. They’re human beings who for many reasons are unwilling or unable to comply with society’s so-called norms. We do everything we can to shame, disregard, incarcerate or otherwise dehumanize all kinds of people for the most fucked up reasons. People are people. Love and support them in the best way you can.
I don’t care if their sign contains the word “god”.
What is annoyingly weird is they often put themselves at busy intersections, making it difficult to give them anything. Can anybody please explain that !
They are just going where they get the most exposure and chance to be in front of more people.
I have been told mcdonalds gift certificates are the best way to go. Besides assuring that it is food they buy it gives them a safe warm place to be fo a little while and relax.
I get really mad when I see people talking about them like they are trash because of drugs or alcohol. Especially since this is the first thing you hear if you talk about homeless people. If something happened that i lost everything. Or if i were slightly physically or mentally off enough that i lost my home i would probably do drugs to. Shame and hiding is a sad scary place to be. Give them a break.
I would hardly notice if they said that horrible g-word. Occasionally I contribute to someone, but only if we’ve had a conversation and they ask personally. Standing with a sign seems too commercial, like a racket.
I think I don't want my good deed to be attributed to an invisible being where they get the credit. If they rely on a god so much, then thoughts and prayers should solve the problems, right?
@Tinocca It depends on perspective. Such a thing would not cross my mind. I wouldn’t be trying to do a good deed anyway—I would help on principle.
What if one of your family members was religious and needed help. Would you tell them that?
I give money. A human is a human. Everyone is one major sickness away from that situation. You could be the next one on the side of the streets. What would you write on a sign? Please give, thumbs up for evolution? People will do and say anything to survive. I can't know on what someone will spend the money on. I feel better when I do it. You never know if you saved a life. He/she might have been on the verge of doing something stupid and my gift stopped him.
Many years ago I used to toss a few bucks to street people, but not any more. And NEVER did I give anything to someone with a dog! If they don't have enough money to feed themselves, why do they have a pet?
Perhaps they had the pet before they became homeless or in need. I actually think it shows a love and sense of responsibility to continue to care for a pet instead of abandoning them. I have actually given dog food instead of money in cases like that.
Yes, I admit that you do have a point, but only up to a point, for me. Some people get very attached to their pets, they think of them like they are their children, so maybe I shouldn't be quite so harsh on the subject. It's a multi faceted subject with no quick and easy answers, is it? Perhaps it's because I have seen too many scammers, taking advantage of the general good nature of people, that I have a jaded view on the subject. One woman my friend saw pretending to be broke, walked over to a nearly new Ford truck and drive away! He was having a meal in a restaurant and saw her for at least half an hour, asking passersby for money.
I do . I don't care what the sign says . I don't even read it . It does not matter . Someone w two kidneys , two lungs , a liver , a brain , just like me , stands out there in the elements asking for a f dollar for whatever reason . That's humiliating and painful enough . He was someone's little boy once . Someone's little princes . Where life went wrong ? Who knows My dollar or two , won't save anything , but is better than nothing .
This ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Generally no because my charity giving is focussed on animal welfare but I have on occasion given to a down and out of it felt right