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There was a program on PBS about Andy Borowitz and his humour. At the World Series they were yelling, "Lock him up." Borowitz satire was that Trump would interpret this as, "Lock him up in the White House." I don't know how far from the truth this is though; Trump is crazy enough to think that his sycophants want him in the White House forever.

Diogenes 8 Oct 30

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Andy Borowitz is also a stand-up comedian. Yes, he was a guest on the Stephanie Miller show a few weeks ago.


YouTube Andrew Yang, he is the political domino that needs to fall in order for the % to start climbing. Secular Scientificly litterate(Dad was a Physicist, Mum a mathematician), appeals to Christians by having a Christian wife and 2 children being raised Christian, and his platform is basically standing on the shoulders of Reverend Martin Luther King, the greatest hero the U.S Christian left has. His presidency will rock the world and accelerate the rise of logic and reason by putting into the seat of the highest office in the world.


Love Andy Borowitz. Trump is a moron.

Trump isn't smart enough to be a moron--- maybe a slow learning pet-rock would be his speed.

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