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Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32

Probably the most accurate scripture in the bible. That is precisely what happened to me when I walked away from Christianity.

Truthseeker1968 6 Oct 30

Enjoy being online again!

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The truth is out there!

Stenz Level 6 Oct 31, 2019

Can't say that I was ever 'blinded' by religion even though my 'mother' continually tried to force to attend Sunday Schools from which I actually got expelled from them, one at a time, for simply asking questions.
So from around the age of 8 years old, and having a Dad who actively encouraged me to think and ask questions, any and all questions without reservations or restrictions btw, I think my road to being an Atheist began then and there and has continued on, unabated, every since.


I was Catholic until I reached the age of reason- George Carlin


Welcome to the dark side.

JimG Level 8 Oct 30, 2019

Hey, shouldn't that be "The Light Side," since, in my opinion, the Faithfools seem more than happy to live in the darkness and shadows created by religions?

@Triphid from our perspective, yes. From a theist perspective we are godless servants of Satan. I take pride in the fact that as a teen, I was called a reprobate by a Presbyterian Minister.

@JimG Shit, ALL you got was 'reprobate,' I copped a whole lot more than that when I was about 8 years old and was expelled from EVERY Sunday School my 'mother' forced me to go to and ALL because I DARED to ask questions.
I was called everything from Heretic to Heathen, Pagan to Devil's Spawn and more besides, those Presby Ministers over your way must be a wee bit on the soft side.....LOL.

@Triphid I never went to Sunday school or church; so I missed that opportunity. I didn't deal with this minister in church; so he was out of his comfort zone, and possibly more reserved than he would have been otherwise.

@JimG I also, have had to 'deal' many a Preacher, etc, BUT, most thankfully, NEVER in a Church since I refuse to attend one anyway.
I have been abused, verbally, by many a Preacher and the like both at my own front door and in the streets for simply telling them that "I am NOT interested in anything they are trying to peddle to me because I am an Atheist."
So count yourself very lucky with that one my friend BECAUSE, and trust me on this, THERE ARE much worse ones out there.


So true Man!!


It is exactly what happened to me. To paraphrase Saul of Tarsus it was like I was blind before and suddenly the scales fell off of my eyes.



Seems you haven't walked sufficiently far if you are still quoting the bible as example of something.




So true.


I had to make sure that that was a good translation yeah it is, the day off thing sounds like a good idea too the rest of it bilgewater



bobwjr Level 10 Oct 30, 2019

Funny, I thought a bible thumper had infiltrated our group. Then I read the last statement.

Most of us use to be bible thumpers including myself.


I'm still shaking my head at the fact i was deluded for 30 years. The threat of hell and burning made me completely disconnect my mind from common sense and believe in a fantasy. Without the threat of hell for even questioning the god in christianity i don't believe anyone would convert to it.

Right there with you.


The original admonition of the Delphic Oracle was: "Know they self, know thy place." Bah, humbug!


That and everyone needs a day off per week to do nothing are about all that's correct in that book. Rest of the thing is shit - nice poetry, at times - but still shit.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 30, 2019


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