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“ God made two great lights--the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.” Genesis 1:16
. He made two lights? Didn’t I learn in grade school that it’s all one light?

Keep in mind the supposed author of that verse also is the creator of the lights.

I have learned I need to include the following disclaimer with posts like this:

I know the Bible is a farce, a fairytale and completely fictional. Everyone here knows that. The post is written with incredulity at the fact that despite that obvious falsehood, otherwise rational and intelligent people still hold to the notion that that book is unerring and infallible. Which leaves me profoundly bewildered.

Truthseeker1968 6 Nov 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Similar confusion over the meaning of positive and negative electricity. Negative means presence of electrons . Positive means absence of electrons. At least the biblical scholars were TRYING to explain .

But remember this verse was not authored by biblical scholars. Ask any self respecting Christian and they will tell you that God authored this verse.

@Truthseeker1968 It just shows science ( and education) confusion that is all.

@Mcflewster It shows a denial of the infallibility of the bible.

@Truthseeker1968 The Bible is not infalible. Science can be wrong but corrects with time and effort.

@Mcflewster I got screwed around in my wording there. Should have said it shows an acceptance of the infallibility of the Bible.

@Truthseeker1968 That is OK


The book is a composite of Middle Eastern, Bronze Age, orally transmitted, stories, most likely gaining traction for those intellectuals captured during the Babylonian exile, and retold in a judaistic format.

It’s only a problem when people take it literally.


so much of the buy-bull idiocy could have been avoided had the christians been smart enough to say from the start that the stories were fables from which to learn lessons.


@Truthseeker1968 if they were to completely dismiss the OT and limit the NT to Jesus speaking of love ... they could change the entire faith and make it viable and stronger. as it stands they are losing ground to islam.

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