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So I have this weird food allergy caused by a tick bite. Ive had this about 12 years now. I cannot eat any Mammals. No cows. pigs, horse, dog, rabbit, etc. Nothing furry and 4 legged. Mammals have a carbohydrate called Alpha-Galactose. All mammals.. except for one subset.. Old world primates: Apes, Orangutans, chimps, and...humans.
So not only am I evidence of evolution, I won't be going hungry in the end times. Baby recipes anyone?

FlyingGodess 5 Nov 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I like them roasted with a slightly bitter orange sauce - cuts through the baby fat


I was at the local grocery store,mentioned how a frozen cheese burger tastes,the Man I was talking to had your same problem,he was bit,and can never enjoy one, no meats other than fish or chicken.

Ostrich and emu are really good substitutions for beef.


To stay sensitive to the alphaGAL for that long sounds rather permanent! I had a friend recently develop the same tick induced sensitivity. She lost the meat intolerance 1 to 2 years later. Not sure what the odds are of it recurring as the transmitting tick lives in the area that she does.

Enjoy those primates, but avoid the nervous tissue (google “Kuru&rdquo😉. (;

Zster Level 8 Nov 9, 2019

I’ve read about this - found in deer tics on the East coast?
It might be what save humanity from climate change.


Are you saying eating primate cadaver is good for you but most humans get sick from cannibalism ? Monkey meat is common in Africa and gorillas are near extinction due to human predation

LOL! Nope. Specifically I am allergic to a carbohydrate Galactose 1,3 Alpha Galactose. This sugar is in the meat, blood and fat of mammals. All mammals except primates. Humans are primates.
Im playing on the Baby eating Atheist mantra. I also have no interest in chilled monkey brains.
😁 By the you have some reference that eating human would make me sick? Besides having a psychological affect I mean. I kinda doubt there are any peer reviewed studies on the matter, maybe Im wrong. Hey..can i leave my body to the Cannibalism study? Hmmm

@FlyingGodess of course ALL Atheists abort 2 centimeter embryonic goo for our cult buffet food parties where we urinate in a big jar and put a crucifix upside down into the piss.....and we convert all little girls to lesbianism and witchcraft becuz we HATE gawds


Permethrin insect spray kills and repels ticks, mosquitoes and 39 other biting insects.

It turns me into a Walking Mosquito Hate Zone. I spray it on hiking clothes, hat (including inner hat brim), socks and pack. Lasts through 6 machine washings or 42 days. Odorless and non-toxic. You can use it on dogs.

Keep cats away when clothes are wet with Permethrin (it makes cats sick). The spray dries in 4 hours.

Is it inert after 4 hours?
As much as possible, I try to avoid pesticides 😳


No, it's not inert. It's non-toxic to humans, dogs and horses. It's odorless after 4 hours.


I've heard about this! Was it a specific type of tick which is native to your area? You can eat fish and poultry, right?

They say its the Lone Star tick. But other ticks are suspect as well as chiggers. Yes I can eat fish and poultry. But I have to be careful because of cross lard in refried beans.

@FlyingGodess every textbook on California and US HISTORY details the DONNER PASS snowbound wagon the hungry people froze to death and survivors "succumbed to cannibalism" all my teachers declared uncooked human flesh is worse than uncooked pigs with trico something worms in swine flesh.... so they scared me.....I will NOT volunteer to eat you cooked or raw.....who would ? Sigourney Weaver enemies ?


Well that is some pretty weird shit!

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