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U.S. Firms Get 90-Day Extension To Work With Huawei On Rural Networks


FearlessFly 9 Nov 18

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I heard this. I don't get it. If Huawei is embedding hardware that would give the China a backdoor, then we should stop anything having to do with them. I would go even one step further and seize all existing Huawei devices in the US. I find it difficult to believe that there are no alternatives.


In 2020, SpaceX will offer satellite based network service to the US and Canada. This bevy of satellites are in low Earth orbit and provide lower latency than cable and high bandwdth. They can add satellites to increase bandwidth. Unlike cable and cell towers, these satellites can offer service to airplanes and ships at sea. They haven't announced prices, yet.

Rural users may use SpaceX for network service, instead of cell providers. However, cells are likely to remain popular, I think SpaceX cannot replace them, but I don't know. Perhaps they are able to support cells.

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