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I was raised Catholic. My parents were very devout. We lived across the street from our church. I did house and yardwork for the nuns at the convent and I was an alter boy for 6 years. We had 5 masses, 8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM, 12:30PM and 5PM. If any other alter boy called off or didn't show, the pastor would call me and my parents would make me do it. Sometimes, I'd serve every mass, so that would be my whole Sunday.

I was into it, though. I wanted to be a priest. My parents were so proud everytime I said I was determined to be the first American pope. Somewhere in my teens, I started to have doubts. I was really into science and I saw some inconsistencies in biblical stories and reality.

Around then my older brother became a little rebellious. He still went to church, but he refused to dress up for it. He wore a Harley Davidson T-shirt to church one Sunday and it causes a minor stir among the parishioners. The pastor stopped my brother on the way out and told him to dress more appropriately next time or don't come. My brother never went back. I remember thinking, "would Jesus really care that my brother didn't wear a button down shirt with a collar?"

I got a job working with an old lady at a candy shop. One day she came in upset. She told me that her son-in-law had passed away. As he lay dying, the old woman spotted our pastor in the hallway in the hospital. She asked him to come quickly to read the dying man his last rites. The pastor was irritated and told her to schedule an appointment the next day. Her son-in-law died that night. The woman told be she would never go to that church again.

A few weeks later, as we discussed evolution in biology class, I was curious how the church stood on it. I called the bishop of our diocese that night, that lived in the rectory across the street. I asked him how the church stood on evolution. He said that is a big question and he wouldn't answer it in a few words and had no time for it. (I didn't learn till decades later that the church DOES, accept Darwin's evolution.) Back then, though, my doubts from years of unanswered prayers had me at a tipping point, and when the bishop acted like a jerk to me and wouldn't answer my question, inside my faith was gone.

I continued to go to church out of a sense of obligation and so I wouldn't hurt my parents. One Sunday, when I was 23, I was offered sex by my then girlfriend, and I chose the sex over church. I never went back to church.

URAKENT 5 Nov 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Recovering Catholic here.

SAMae Level 5 Nov 22, 2019

Those are the experiences I most like to see on this site, with the hope they’ll be read by others in a similar situation to your early days. You stated, “Back then, though, my doubts from years of answered prayers had me at a tipping point” … I’ll assume you meant ‘unanswered prayers’ 🙂

My father’s family has a catholic history; fortunately, it stopped with him. But I’ve always been curious ..and sickened when trying to imagine what life within that church would have been like for the ‘four of us’? Seems if you escaped sexual abuse, you did good 😕

We had a massive cathlic family down the street that attended ‘their school’ ...until lack of funding closed it down. They always seemed ashamed of their schooling, and were elated to ‘get to’ finish school, into HS with us. All seven of them! 🙂 Friends to this day with many of them, few had children and none I’m aware of are affiliated with ‘that church.’

Glad you escaped, too ~

Varn Level 8 Nov 22, 2019

Yes. Unanswered! I need to edit!

@URAKENT The only reason I’d brought that up was that it’s such a well written piece you may want to post it elsewhere 🙂


Well good for you, you made the right choice. Now, the next level is sex inside a church. 🤓 Good luck to you, brother.


Yea, I had to shed the Catholic chains too. Good job.


Good for you. It's a wonderful life, once we escape from religion. I was born into a Moron (oops, Mormon) family, and was raised to be a devout Moron. I even served a two-year mission in Argentina. As an adult, I decided to apply scientific thought to the religion, so I could convince my scientific friends that Moronism was true. To my surprise, I discovered that Joseph Smith, the founder of Moronism, was a false prophet, unable to consistently predict the future in an accurate way. So, I left the Moron religion. Then I studied the biblical prophets and discovered that they, too, were false prophets. So, I left religion altogether. Now I understand that religion is just a scam (they always ask for money) based on mythology. I am free! Hooray! 🙂


Sex over church. That is what priests and nuns do but they don't leave the church. Tell us some more but not about the church.

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