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Have you ever had a relationship with someone who converted to a religion?

If so, what impact did that have on your relationship?

SCJohn 4 Nov 22

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My sister did! She lost her young daughter in a park and "told god" that if he brought her back, she'd return to church. Now they're devout. But she doesn't preach it, and I don't want to bring it up, even though we've grown closer as we've "grown up." I told her about this documentary, Hail Satan, which is about the separation of church and state, and she did NOT want to hear about it b/c it had the word Satan in it. Her line of thinking instantly went to Satanic rituals. I dropped it. She can have her beliefs, and me, mine. I don't want to lose our relationship. We're fine not talking religion.


My ex wife changed religions and religious beliefs like clothing. I did not.


Closest I had was my high school prom date. I knew she was religious (she was a preachers daughter) but I didn't know how nuts her family was.....until her mother told me of the time she "danced with Jesus." Not figuratively. She literally popped up to the Pearly Gates and did the heavenly hokey pokey with the J-Man himself.

I don't want that level of batshit crazy in my life, thanks.


Following this thread...


My wife is a Buddhist, doesn't bother me at all.

IMO, they're among the saner of the religious tribes! I think they have a lot of sage wisdom!

@LeftCoastgal wouldn't go too far but she doesn't bother me and I don't bother her either.


I have ban Christains girlfriends. My brother is a Lutheran pastor, so my time is limited with him. Generally I find most people are good, although ignorance to a high degree for the systems we live within. Relationship are very important although I do have a bs detector device that is dictator on how much time to invest in each person, I get rid of negative dishonest types.


I had a much younger GF who was also a toxic narcissist (as I learned later). She re-invented herself every few years, and when she was done with me she converted to a strange cult of Seven Day Adventists. Moved out of state and married into a cult family.


My mom moved up north and became a JW. We don't talk.


I never have, in fact, most - almost all - of the relationships I would have had never happened because the men were believers in jeebus and I just effing can't with that. I feel that strongly about it. For me religion has killed relationships BEFORE they ever had a chance to begin. I wish I could be more relaxed about this, I really do, but I know that sooner or later it's going to become an issue that's going to mess everything up. So once I learn that a man I am interested in is a believer, I just keep my distance in the romantic area. We can be friends, but there can't be nothing more.

I feel the same way!!!!

It helps me a lot to remind myself that religious belief is actually a form of mental illness. That is, believing in things that don't exist is delusional. That makes it much easier to keep such a person at a certain distance, and not become too involved with them.


I was gonna marry a girl, who suddenly got 'born again', and backed out. This was in due partly, to a fundamentalist girlfriend of hers, and a television evangelist named "Pastor Parsely". It amazes me the propaganda power of these fundamentalist wingbats!

Rod Parsley. Just hearing him talk rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t see how anyone could be drawn in by him. Even my Christian friends disparage his delivery.


I don't think I could ever be in a relationship where that is even a possibility but if my partner did convert to a religion I would be excited to dismantle and destroy the philosophy of whatever religion was chosen as they are all so obviously wrong.


Yes. My wife. It was a complete disaster.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 23, 2019

My ex girlfriend worshipped weed


Not really, but as we fell more and more in love, it became harder to conceptualize our ability to have a kid because she already put so much weed and alcohol compounds in her eggs. Granted, my sperm wasn't exactly in top-shape, but it kind of symbolized how we were not addressing that hole in our relationship. Because if keeping her around meant having a kid, then I would have agreed to doing it when it was sensible.


Yes, it was fatal to the relationship because she said she couldn't be with someone who didn't go to church with her. Since then she's come out as a lesbian and remains a bible-thumper. I don't think the relationship ever had a chance.

JimG Level 8 Nov 23, 2019

I never did, but I believe it will affect the relationship...

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