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A little word to the wise here, now I don't mind a decent curry in the least, so I made one dinner tonight but I forgot to wear my reading glasses and added 4 tbsps of curry mix when it should have only 4 tspns.
I'm kind of thinking that my personal 'theme song' for next few days should " Ring of Fire " by Johnny Cash.

Triphid 9 Nov 25

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Top tip.....keep the loo roll in the fridge!

Nope, I reckon I've found a better 'solution,' I bought a pack of medicated Baby Wipes ( medicated mainly for Nappy Rash) and have them in the fridge, nice and cooling to the very sore and hot bum.


"Clean clear through?"

Well you ain't whistling Dixie there, trust me.....LOL.

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