Pundits have been declaring the disappearance of 'swing voters" in presidential politics for years. I think this cycle there is a huge potential for them, not from those labeling themselves as independents, but from old-school republicans who were primarily voting against Hilary and who are disgusted with Trump. Of the democratic hopefuls,who do you think would appeal most to this voting group--lets specify that they are nor right-wing Christian nut cases.
I personally am a far cry from any kind of Republican, so I don't trust my prediction skill in this regard. Personally I am happy with either Warren or Buttigieg, but that is not the question.
I think some would consider Biden not too scary, but many others would dislike that he was so close to Obama (let's get real: Obama was pretty darned moderate. They really hated that he was Black, even if they are outraged by the accusation). Maybe Amy Klobuchar? If not her, then one of the (not-really-Democrat) billionaires running, or thinking of running.
I was checking out the billionaire Tom Steyer, if he really runs on getting big corporate out of our government I'd vote for him.
@DavidDuhon hell no! I am clueless as to what to do with them. If they just stay home and don't vote might be the best we can hope for. 4 more years of chaos I can't take.