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Greetings! I am new to associating with people of like minds on the topics of agnosticism and atheism, so if I ask a question or make a statement it’s to see from various perspectives. I’m here also to learn and become inspired! Where I am, one damn near gets persecuted and hung on the stake for not believing in “some” type of god... so this is a nice app for me. Thanks!

Donne 5 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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Welcome! The more open minds the better 🙂.


I've seen through studying how in the USA particularly in the old Dixiecrat states that the very idea of thinking differently to the social norm is punishable by some of retribution.
So welcome to a zone where you expand your mind.


Welcome, dude!!!


Welcome to the community.


Welcome! It is SO nice to discuss or comment on a variety of topics here, without being assaulted with religious rhetoric. I am more grateful than ever for living in a more open-minded social environment!


Welcome living in the uki don't that kind of reaction in general although someone walked out of the pub when i was explaining something once


Welcome aboard! Please keep your hands and feet inside until the planet has come to a complete stop.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

I live in a similar area of the country.
I don't hide it. I am defiant and pretty much DARE them to come after me.
They behave the way they do because no one stands up to them.
I won't allow that.

Ever notice that "they" have a movement of actions: angry; then devious; then pitiful?

@Beowulfsfriend Yes. Right up until you get right in their faces and call them on their bullshit.
Then they sputter and stammer and don't know how to act.

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