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What is your personal "seven deadly sin" ?

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Beowulfsfriend 9 Dec 5

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All of the above, look at my name.

But... I am not going to confirm nor I am going to deny...
.. anal sex is not included


I indulge in Every Single One Of Them daily. Seriously. If I can combine them (like taking a plateful of shrimp at a buffet - both Greed and Gluttony), even better. I noticed that Greed was listed twice - "Greed is Good", as the movie said.

So long as my indulgences don't infringe on someone else, I remain insufferably pleased with myself.


Ok, is this my personality profile? I had to check them all.


I spy some left over guilt here? I don't believe in sin either.... We are all learning..

I'll vote though.. to support your post.. and pick my "flavour of the day" 🙂 ..


Do i have to pick just one?Greed is not good but i think it should only be listed once.


Sin does not exist.

I understand. And that is why I ""

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