Is Reich correct? Is Sanders or Warren the only candidate with a chance of beating Trump? []
Yes, they are the only ones that could, but I still have my doubts that Warren could hold up against Trump in debates or the constant smears he would throw her way about her ancestry and the scandal over that. But we all need to remember that the Dem establishment and leadership cares far less about beating Trump than making sure an honest progressive doesn't become prez. If Warren were elected, I don't trust her to stay progressive in office. Instead, she would pull an Obama and sell out to the establishment, corporations, and the rich.
Judging by Clinton's colossal failure last time around, I'd say no centrist can win against Trump. The establishment is not in favor of the people and so the people lack enthusiasm for the establishment. The only candidate who can win is one who is promising, and can deliver on, substantial positive change for the people.
@ToolGuy For sure. I'd say Sanders more than Warren.