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The majority liberal response to an Indian bill that is supposed to protect minorities (Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Sikhs) from persecution in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh by providing them a path to Indian citizenship is an example of liberals siding with Islam. FYI, the three countries are Islamic republics, founded on religion.
The media is reporting this bill as Anti Muslim because it excludes Muslims from the bill.

Why doesnt anyone get it? Islam is Christianity on steroids.

Liberals - please open your eyes.....just because the Christian conservatives don't like Islam, it doesnt make Islam your friend. The Enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

I hope there won't be name calling in the comments - I don't have ANY religious affiliation and I think all religions are silly and stupid.

EternalVagabond 4 Dec 17

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Maybe it's just that the Hindu nationalist Modi beating the populist drum and stirring up sectarian divisions within India and her neighbours makes s few people nervous?
Especially as both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons?
Just a thought.

Its a simple bill which was actually introduced by the party that is currently protesting against it - Give the minorities that have fled the three Islamic countries refuge and a pathway to Indian citizenship..
But now they want to include muslims as well... muslims fleeing muslim persecution? What? And not just specific cases.. but all of them...
And the liberals have been fooled into taking the side of the Islamists...


The minorities are being persecuted by muslims. The bill is meant to help those who are fleeing danger in their homeland. No need to include muslims if they are the ones who are creating the danger. It's not antimuslim, it's sensible. Pakistan and Bangladesh were split from India so the muslims could have a country separate from the hindus.

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