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Based on this I find myself somewhere between an existentialist and a humanist. Where do you find yourself?

TimeOutForMe 8 Dec 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I find I could give a flying F what my label is. Just as I don’t feel a great need to know the pedigree of my mutt dog. I am me, I believe in what I find reasonable and logical, dismiss the rest and enjoy occasionally on here or FB finding people with similar views. Takes away that feeling of being the only one able to deal with reality that I grew up with.


Wondering why people buy into labels to define themselves.

I didn't intend it to be a label. Many on here are always defining themselves i their own words.

Labelling is what we do put very basically. We are a judgemental species, it's part of how we survive and thrive. I could use more scientic language with references, but frankly too much work for the moment.

@Sofabeast Agreed but the individual doesn’t have to define himself by saying β€œI am a .....”


It is a bit crude and simple, but it would be a good exercise for people coming here to study it before they begin. In the long term however it is better, I think, to explain your own position carefully to the people who care about you, and forget putting labels on yourself for those who don't care about you. They won't be listening anyway.

@Fernapple...not labeling myself at all.
A good exercise for me too since there are so many different views expressed on this site. Instead of asking people where they fit from time to time. There's plenty to pick from on this.


I would add Relativist and
ex Apathist/Agnostic

And Atheist off course. How could I have left that one out 😊

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