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How well do you take a compliment?

Palindromeman 7 Mar 27

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If I think I deserve it no problem.


Very. Feel free to pile them on.

2 well and I live for them, such a conundrum aye?


Generally not well.


Badly. But I used to be worse. At least I don't turn red with embarrassment any more.


I say thank you, but I find getting compliments uncomfortable.


I always thank them and give them the benefit of a doubt, if their sincerity is suspect.


Someone bestowing a complement upon me makes me unconfortable. I interpret it as an attempt at manipulation.


It's kinda funny, isn't it? Other people seem to see things in us we don't see. I have a hard time with compliments. You always want to think people are being sarcastic when they say them. I am doing better with it, but I am always harder on myself. I never see what they are complimenting on.

I'm the same way. I usually assume they have an ulterior motive.


Me? No. You know who takes a compliment well? You do.


I say thank you for your kind words.


I have no problem with compliments. Go ahead, compliment me. See how I handle it.


I’ve really had to work on just saying thank you (and trying to stop the negative thoughts that immediately try to sabotage me).

I enjoy complimenting other people but just get SO uncomfortable if someone compliments me.


Personally, I found it one of those life skills I really needed to work at. All too easy to deflect and demur. The thing is, if someone offers you a compliment - honestly and meaningfully - they've gone out on a limb. The least you can do is accept it graciously.

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