38 5

Who has noticed in the last day or so there has been a resurgence of Islam bashing.

Nothing new on the table just the same worn out rhetoric.

Or is it just my feeds!

Geoffrey51 8 Dec 31

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I've not noticed.


Well, there's a lot of Nazi-bashing and fascist-bashing that goes on all the time and no one complains about that because they made the stupid mistake of not tying a God to their sick ideologies.

Hardly. I don't think the Nazis had many agnostics nor atheists in their number. Pretty sure they were all Christians.

The point is that they didn't present their vile ideology as a religion. Had they done so, their hate would be classed as protected holy hate and anyone who criticised it would be classed as a bigot.


Just more of that good old Christmas spirit.


It's Christmas.


What is the xmas season for besides bashing other religions?


Same old worn out people ranting as well.


I always assume that any people hating posts are being generated by state run propaganda machine... Especially the war mongering nations that need hate to support beligerence and arms sales. My circles cover every religion and belief system or lack thereof. None support the hate rhetoric.

Bullshit::::There is NOTHING HATEFUL about telling the truth:::::::::

THE RELIGION OF PIECES: JIHAD REPORT:::::Islamic hate groups killed 10,398 in 2019, and injured another 10,000+

Since 911, 500,000 killed and injured by these primitives :: BEHEADINGS in Nigeria, and slave auctions of girls,.... Tell me how my comments are hateful????

Jihad Report for December, 2019 :::
Attacks 138 . . . . . . Killed 1596. . . . . . Injured 887. . . . . . Suicide Blasts 8. . . . . . Countries 22.


It must be specific to you. I have not seen any more islam bashing here or elsewhere. Look at the company you keep or people you friend on social media and that may explain why you see such hate-filled posts. I mean if you add bigots to your friends' lists eventually you may have to read one or more of their bigotted posts!

Bloody hell, where did that come from. This is my only social media site so I guess you must be referring to the denizens that inhabit this place!

@Geoffrey51 okay then you must be following or befriended the bigots of this site... and trust me they exist and are here.... you can find many of them in the conservative group(s) here.

Ummmm, look above for Jacar's semi-literate rants and fake news.

@AnneWimsey aah I think I blocked him. That may be why my feed is much better than Geoffrey's 😀


Well, excuse me! Never said anything about being a race and thank you for requesting me to take my towel to another swimming pool!

I like it here however and if as an ‘obstructionist, fascist, religious republicanist’ as you suggest I am, brings you angst, probably best to block me so that I don’t address your sensitivities again.

Clearly you didn’t read my post properly. I don’t care who bashes who, but some erudition in argument would be good for a proper discussion rather than the usual Red Queen ‘off with their heads’ ‘cats that shit on my lawn should be put down’ rhetoric.

If you are going to reply to me please show some erudition or intelligence by supporting your claims. I am sure some of what you say is true, but without supporting reporting it is merely opinion and therefore worthless.

Why are camels called 'ships of the desert'?
B/c they're full of Arab seamen! 😂

Someone is very proud of their vocabulary. If you don't like being under the microscope don't beg to be the specimen.

Ummm, who, exactly, are you ranting at? If it's Jacar, relax, we all know how twisted his panties are......


They are preparing for a war with Iran probably

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 31, 2019

Well, if they can't meet the requirements for the first bashing, then why go to the next if the first is still valid?


This is because Trump blames Iran for what is happening in Iraq at our embassy. Rather than an increase of Islam bashing it appears to me as a resurgence.

Trump needs an enemy to ensure reelection. Fighting Iran for the Saudis didn't look promising as too many are realizing how guilty the Sauds are for 911. Fighting Iran for an attack on Americans would be helpful.

@Trumpeter Just throw 'em all in the same pile, throw gas on 'em and watch 'em burn, eh?
I'd like to think of myself as SLIGHTLY more discriminating...

@Trumpeter Troops are not really leaving anywhere in the ways that we are being told they are. What goes on is our current way of life in this world. Naming people in power before Trump came along does not change anything or get Trump off the hook.

@Trumpeter If I mention our current way of life I am not going into a tirade to blame those before Trump came along just so I can get Trump off the hook. The question of who to blame rests in who is in power. We are not in a popularity contest or preserving of a fake reputation. Trump is all fake and has a fake reputation. His tweets show an unstable man at best. He is a conman and a liar.

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