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Blackout of 2003

As I was watching the fear-mongering by the right-wing propagandists earlier, they struck another low, claiming we are all going to be without our power, water, basic services due to Iran. (Which is, of course, ridiculous.)

All of the nonsense reminded me that I never did follow up in 2003, on just what caused the massive blackout. So if you don't know either, or didn't even know about the blackout, here is the story. (And of course, it wasn't an Al Quida conspiracy as was reported back then.)


SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Makes me glad to have been in the PNW 😀 - we had hydro power to waste!

For some reason, though, I’d recently read of the blackout you mention. My recollection was over-heated lines beginning to sag and catching trees on fire beneath them (I did peak at the Wiki peice). Didn’t recall a hard, or software glitch as the initial cause..

We’ve a so-called president so accustomed to lying, he’s apparently contagious - cuz his entire party now does the same on a regular basis! They have no shame!

There’s obviously a religious core of trumpets who’ll believe and repeat anything… Hopefully, as the ugly R’s continue to play to that hardcore mob ..the rest of the nation will have had enough ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 11, 2020

But the fraidy cats and the stupid will buy it hook, line, and sinker.

@SeaGreenEyez That is exactly what they are and if you don't like Trump they call you negative. There is nothing positive about the man, period. Maybe I'm wrong. Look how he brought coal mining back to Kentucky. 🙂

@DenoPenno Nope, you are right. He doesn't have one redeeming quality, not one.

@Sticks48, with all due respect, he has made life easier for the comedians.

@mcgeo52 Too easy! It writes itself.

@Sticks48, although it has made life much more difficult for the poor satirists. How many times has The Onion had to pull a really great story just before it ran because Trump did something even more insane?

@mcgeo52 This is the weirdest Presidency and the strangest time in my life in as far as what is going on in this country. It is most difficult to explain, because when you do, it still does not seem possible.

@Sticks48, when it starts to seem normal is when you need to be worried.

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