11 17

I realize that primary voting hasn't even started yet, BUT,
I really hope that no matter who ends up with the nomination, EVERYONE understands just how important it is to VOTE for whomever ends up running against 45.

It doesn't matter if your candidate of choice doesn't end up on the ballot in November. Every single one of us has GOT to vote against 45.

Not voting because your candidate didn't get the nomination, and you were pissed off, so you stayed home, is exactly how
we got saddled with 45.
Don't do that shit again.
Unbunch your panties, get over your disappointment, and support whomever runs against 45.
We have to remove him and Pence.

KKGator 9 Jan 11

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Agreed. Everyone talks about who they like, and we can have a million conversations about who would be the better candidate. I have favorites, too, but my focus is on whoever will be the strongest to knock Trump off his pedestal.

I really like that Mike Bloomberg has said that he will financially support whomever the nominee ends up being, even if it isn't him.
He's already pledged to spend One Billion dollars of his own money to it.

As much as it sucks that money has become such a central factor in
who ends up winning elections in this country, at least some people are
willing to put their money where their mouths are in order to rescue this
nation from the disease that is 45.


Oh my gosh I've been saying this now for 6 months. I could not agree with you more. It does not matter who it is honestly it does not he is so bad that anyone would be better.

Just about any functioning adult would do.

@KKGator Pence is FAR WORSE so the time wasted on impeachment only perpetuates illegal endless polluter oil war crime profiteering zionism 20 trillion dollars borrowed since 1982.....we need a real Green leader rather than another blueRED redBLUE follower

@Larry68Feminist What suggestions do YOU have?
Most of us are painfully aware of what's happening, and all the ways that Pence, 45, et al, are screwing people over. We KNOW.
What suggestions do you have for rectifying the situation?
Instead of constantly telling me things I already know, do you have anything constructive to offer?

@KKGator I have been voting Green since 1996 refusing to compromise with destructive Democrats and Rethuglicans....working for Jerry Brown in 1980 and 1992 was also a waste as Brown gave frackers all the water they wanted during the drought before 2017... the oil lobby has so many HYDRA heads chopping off 5 has them growing 10 back....electing a pro choice polluter zionist got us into this mess in 1992....and did not put the Bush Crime families in jail where they still belong ....the incumbents are the PROBLEM and the only solution is GREEN not blue not red DrJill 2012 Nader 2008 Dennis Kucinich was the last peace Democrat and AARP cut off his balls 2007

@Larry68Feminist RIght now what matters most is getting Trump out of the office. The only viable solution will be to vote Democrat or even another Republican. Anyone but Trump. Green would be a great thing but will not happen for decades and by then too late.

@KKGator hell, my elderly Dog would be better (no thumbs, unable to Tweet, for starters)

@JustLuAnn what matters is healing a polluted planet and saving lives .... TrumpOLINI is no different from war criminals OBUSHAobombney bush Crime families Clintons and ReaGUN all since 1982 have been borrowing 21 trillion dollars for illegal polluters oil war crime profiteering bankster zionism.... matters


But, I really won't vote for Biden or trump. They both creep me out.

I'm really not a fan of Biden's, but he's still a better alternative than four
more years of 45.

@KKGator its a huge crap shot if either will be alive in four years, so thats also part of the equation.

@MarkiusMahamius Also true. However, Biden is the lesser of those two evils.
Personally, I'm tired of old, white men in power. In this case, 45 cannot be permitted to get another term.


In this mornings paper it was stated that Bloomberg is willing to pay as much as $1 Billion to defeat tRump. He will run and if he does not get the nomination he will spend the money to support those who do (mainly Sanders and Warren) and for attack ads (which would be very easy).

Funny, but just the other day, I was wondering how high he would go for this cause. I initially thought wouldn't it be nice if he went to $1 Billion but then thought that was too much but a couple of hundred million would do. He must have been reading my mind. lol


I am voting in the open Repudlican Party for Weld as a protest against Comrade The Donald. Then I will vote for any Democrat as in straight ticket. Easy.


I agree with what you say BUT until the likes of moscow mitch, lenigrad lindsey and that ass collins are gone from the gop membership nothing good will be passed to help the 90% of Americans and the planet we all live on. It will be all hands on deck in states that refuse to use mail in ballots and actively work to suppress voters who would vote for a better candidate, for example like in Kentucky.

Thank you for the laugh
....Gay Lindsey deserves many evil labels BUT LENINGRAD was changed back to Petrograd when Putin restored the xian orthodoxy wearing his shiny crucifix riding horseback bear chested....yes Russian Bear bare chested Gay Lindsey may have lust for Vladimir

Turtle McConnell was kicked out of boot camp for being gay .....these scum incumbents all belong in jail for mega theft and war crimes

@Larry68Feminist He does sound a bit fey LOL.


Iowa will have 6 CANDIDATES 15% each MAYBE Bernie will claim victory with 17 % ???? 22 days 2go CAUCUS NIGHT is not a primary FACE TO FACE precinct neighbors group in room corners to elect delegates to 99 county conventions half of them will not show up in the spring because they do NOT WANT TO DO THE HARD WORK OF PARTY BUILDING and voter mobilization across 4 Congressional Districts and then the June State Convention




Until they get rid of the electoral college, its slightly more complicated (which, ahem, is exactly why DT is president even though he wasnt democratically elected).

If you live in a true blue state, a vote for who ever the dems decide to platform, is a wasted vote... winning by a wide margin doesnt mean more than a narrow margin. A 3rd party vote (not a protest-vote or a non-vote) actually gets analyzed all to heck plus definitely influences campaigns and platforms in future elections (a voter who dares break the mold!) But likely doesnt affect current outcomes at all. There is room for variability within.

If lots of people did this, and the race was otherwise close , it could be problematic, but... itd likely have a positive effect of keeping voters engaged in states with the education and luxury to split hairs over whose MCFA plan they like better.

He won Florida by 1% l believe. If he loses Florida he can't win. He won PA by less than 1%. If he loses PA, he can't win.

@Sticks48 but neither of thpse are true blue states

@MarkiusMahamius My point exactly. I really do believe trump fatigue will be so high it will drive people to the polls. A high voter turnout would be very bad for trump and the GOP.

@Sticks48 itll be interesting to see if the dems can figure out how to engage people this time

@Sticks48 a high voter turnout would be uncharted territory. Im pretty sure we have more people who don't vote, than the total dem and gop turnout, combined

@MarkiusMahamius Yep.

@MarkiusMahamius That is why I am hoping for trump fatigue. Except for the people who support Bernie, I don't see anyone that the other Dems seem to be excited about.

@Sticks48 i agree to whole slate is crap. Im not a bernie supporter, but i agree hes the only candidate with some drive

@MarkiusMahamius I am not afraid of any of the Dems.

@MarkiusMahamius The states like Florida and PA are where the dems or independants must focus, people need to get voters that are on the fence registered, help check voter registrations, help get people to the polesthat might not vote due to transportation issues. This appliesto many states that are working to suppress voters.
This time around it isn't just about defeating trump. We have to get rid of moscow mitch, lenigrad lindsy and gop members that have choosen party over country and their oath of office.

@silverotter11 All of those things are happening. Democrats are a big tent and that means anyone is not the favorite of some. Those some may be against the winner because of prejudice (anti-gay or anti-Jewish) just as gOP is the Party of whites. Such personal positions need to be individually examined and discarded. Choosing a candidate to represent the people's needs is what a Primary vote is about and individual choice ends the next day. Get over the butt-hurt, USA, and act for the nation.


If Biden is the Democrat nominee trumpOLINI prEyers will be answered as Pelosi is protecting Hunter Biden by impeaching TrumpOLINI....his voters will turn out in droves and 44 states will elect him not 31.....USA voters ARE PRO WAR RACIST RICH WANNABES.....poll numbers have gone up since TrumpOLINI murdered the Iranians in 1972 we all wanted to stop the war in Vietnam but voters in 49 states voted Nixon even though he ordered a felony burglary of DNC offices in WaterGATE Hotel Complex.....the peace movement and Green New Deal belongs to the Green Party not Democrats.....wasting 3 years hating TrumpOLINI was time taken away building the peace actions protecting honeybees and innocent Palestinians murdered in their own homes .....shaming voters away from war FOR PEACE is the only way forward..... TrumpOLINI voters feel no shame because Democrats are shameful corrupt and pro war ME TOO zionists


Sorry, but my protest vote for a third party candidate overrides the well being of the planet.

I'm going to practice holding my breath till my face turns blue. Figure I've got 2 or so years to learn how not to can do that, right?

1of5 Level 8 Jan 12, 2020

Nader, and lately Stein, proved that in this system, a "protest vote" is Worse than got us drump!

@AnneWimsey Stein and Johnston both gave us Trump, imo, not because of the vote siphoning but because both of them showed Trump you could raise a fuckton of cash by running a campaign without actually doing anything through multiple cycles. If that isn't the equivalent of the bat signal for Trump I dunno what is.

Bad part is his ego got caught up in it.

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