Warm bacon and dark chocolate.
Trust me on this.
Especially if you already like the salty/sweet flavor combo.
The addition of the hot fat softening the chocolate is amazing.
note- This is not a health food.
Variation on this. Bitter orange marmalade on freshly fried bread, topped with freshly fried streaky bacon.
Excellent for the health of your morale, but not much else!
I'm not sure we can easily find bitter orange marmalade easily here in the land of Velveeta. But I am willing to try if I an find it.
Is streaky bacon lightly cooked?
@BufftonBeotch Streaky bacon is belly bacon as opposed to back bacon, ie. it has streaks of fat in it. Bitter orange marmalade is made from the Seville orange, noted for its bitter taste. If you can only find normal orange marmalade, then look for one with minimum sugar (but avoid versions with artificial sweeteners). Seville orange marmalade "cuts through" the fattiness of the fried bread and streaky bacon.
Another great combination is to put a slice of cheese onto bread and butter, then place apple rings on top, with a dollop of plum jam inside the apple ring holes.
@Petter Sounds like normal bacon then. Back bacon is called "Fat Back" here and is generally only eaten in the southern US.
Fried in a pan bread?
I've already found a bitter orange source.
My mouse is wily. My mouse is wise.
Your mouse is wily
Your mouse is wise
You treasure it highly
For all that it buys.
It helps you meet people
It helps you make pals
Your mouse is a mighty
Empowerer of gals.
@BufftonBeotch Hot oil (corn or olive) in a frying pan. Then drop in a slice or two of bread ( white fries best. Wholemeal is OK) and turn as needed. The oil should be hot enough to brown the bread in 20 to 30 seconds.
English versus American. The English walk on the pavement, they drive on the road. I wrote a poem on that theme a while ago.
@Petter I'll try this. I rarely do eat white bread anymore, though. Will plan it for a time when I am making a good hearty spaghetti dish and would want some Italian crusty outside, softy inside bread anyway.
@BufftonBeotch The British, and those like me who fell under their influence, like fried bed as part of an egg and bacon breakfast, together with sausage, and optional baked beans, tomato. black pudding and mushrooms. Americans like to accompany a breakfast egg with steak and/or pancakes, complete with cream and maple syrup. I certainly enjoyed those in my two extended wanderings around Western USA and Canada during my "youth" and took the custom back with me to Kenya.
I'm not sure it would go well with pasta, which is flour based already. Try frying some bread then spreading it with a tart preserve. It certainly won't need butter. Were I a bit closer (I now live in Southern Spain), I would nip over to your house and make you some.