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For those who don't know, you don't get to restrict comments on the General forum because you didn't create a group.
If you don't like a persons comments, tough!
You don't get to do that here. I responded to a post and he acted like I shouldn't have responded because he didn't want me to.
(That's not appropriate for this post)
Maybe I should go to politics, or humor or.........just somewhere else.

PondartIncbendog 8 Jan 30

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Ah IC it was in the Academic and Science Forum so they took exception to a political comment.

That happens sometimes. People get an awful lot of politics elsewhere these days.

I thought it was science. I was discussing the lack of brain matter on Trump.

@PondartIncbendog I get that. I've had that happen a time or two with humor - I think folks are truly on edge with the political situation these days. I sure know I am.
I did try to explain the Forums vs Groups on the original post because I sensed some confusion.
Hopefully I was of some tiny help.


That's really not how social media works.

It's not even how groups work. Groups may have a set "Tone" but they still allow a wide variety of comments.

I guess he/she didn't like my sense of humor. Maybe I should have been on the silly/humor page. Or political, or ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Is he a newbie?

No, he's a grumpy.

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