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A small PSA for everyone

How to Be Human: Talking to People Who Are Transgender or Nonbinary


RavenCT 9 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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My new girlfriend, @JohnnyQB has apparently blocked me... How disappointing. Guess I was too much for her. I get that a lot.

I think I should post something trans positive once a month just to add to my block list? I am not dealing well with people who are this phobic any longer.

We're supposed to be smart logical thinkers and yet we get this transphobic bullshit whenever it's just an article about the topic?

It makes me cringe. And it makes me sad.

@RavenCT Transphobes are shit people. They could help it, if they wanted to, but they don't want to. Their bigotry is learned and they fully embrace it. The irony is that they can see that religion is bullshit... and that only religion teaches bigotry... yet they let go of the religion and keep the bigotry... not the brightest bulbs on the tree, for sure.

@Kafirah I wonder if there's a way to raise awareness here without the arguments? I find it disheartening. But I can take some knocks if it helps someone else who is transitioning (etc) - not get misgendered.


I don't come with a User's Manual of rules or a list of Do's and Dont's on how I'm to be addressed or spoken to. The fact that these individuals do may be a big part of the problem for their general unacceptance.

Just keepin' it real.

You know, miss, some things that you don't take seriously as a woman, doesn't mean that everyone feels the same.

@Kafirah Just an observation based on human nature.It can be accepted or rejected as seen fit.


I will not use compelled speech.

Using correct pronouns for someone isn't "Compelled Speech".

You go girl! Show these men what's up!

@JohnnyQB If I wanted to go by "Mr" for a day instead of "Ms" would it in any way hurt anyone? I don't think so.

I would hope the choice wouldn't be that flippant - and for most it is not. It's been something that has taken a ton of energy and work to get to. (If they happen to be trans or intersex or agendered etc).

They aren't that tiny a portion of the population. And they're growing. It might be wise to find out what the guidelines are and follow along as this become more widely accepted.

It simply keeps society moving along smoothly. I simply posted this for the folks interested in less hurt feelings.
I found it educational as there are points I've still missed and this touched on them.

@JohnnyQB Their "correct" pronouns are whatever the fuck they say they are. You, no matter how entitled or entitled to your opinion you may be, do NOT get to decide what someone else's pronouns are, and by extension, their gender or their gender identity or their gender expression... you do, however get to decide whether or not to respect their pronouns and whether or not you are a fucking disrespectful fuckwitted asshole about it. But I'll clue you in on this... you are in the minority of people who refuse to respect the pronouns of others and when you do so in public, your choice affects everyone who hears you... so please, continue to use whatever pronouns you think you should... and when everyone thinks your are a disrespectful scumbag piece of shit bigot, remember that you brought it on yourself and have no one else to blame. Because it'll happen. May take decades... but I'm sure you'll have plenty of time alone to see it for yourself.

@JohnnyQB If someone refuses to use someone's pronouns because they disagree with that person's judgement of how they wish to be addressed, then whomever is being disrespectful of those pronouns is a fucking piece of shit waste of skin and oxygen. Does that clear things up for you? Oh, and I'm not telling anyone what to say... I'm simply pointing out what a piece of shit someone would have to be to disrespect someone for absolutely no reason other than their own sense of self-entitlement and bigoted ego. So go on and say what you like... but remember... we see you. We see who and what you are. You are plastering yourself all over this comment section with a detailed account of your character as a person.

@JohnnyQB That's not a threat that's a statement of fact. There are more folks coming out every single day.

To say "They aren't that tiny a portion of the population. And they're growing. It might be wise to find out what the guidelines are and follow along as this become more widely accepted."
simply means it might help you (to learn) as society seems to be trying to play catch up here. There's no implied threat in that?

Additionally I value reality and truth. However a person's own reality of their own gender - is way more pertinent than what my own perception of that might be. So when they tell me "I'm male/female or other" or what their preferred pronouns are - I will use them (to the best of my ability).

Or as a friend says "We are not the genital police". That's why this is an important issue.

@PBuck0145 That meme is almost funny. Too bad Chuck Norris is a bigoted Christian. Kinda makes the whole meme seem transphobic... you know, that and the fact that it's actually transphobic. But it's cool. Transphobes are tiny-minded cunts with tiny brains and other parts. So, of course they would make stupid memes. Not like they have any other option.


Duh, this is my friend Steve and he just got circlesided. Will that work?

I've no idea what "circlesided" means. Should I?

@RavenCT I don't know either. Try to imagine an ignorant person describing a botched operation.


Interesting this is but I have transfender friends and sometimes I forget myself and call them by their name that they were born with, not on purpose just because I have known them for many years. They understand.

They do - but trust me it hurts. I've worked hard on this myself. I have a family member who is trans and we almost never deadname her anymore. (I honestly don't remember the last time now).

It took us a while to realize it was really painful for her when we did - than we stepped up the effort.


You should have used the Share link option. 😛

I don't think I had the option that happens sometimes.

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