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SEX I was remembering what sex was like when I was in my twenties. My hormones and libido were high and my body was tight and capable. Although I workout almost daily I'm not what I used to be. My libido isn't as high as it used to be and sex is a slower more personal experience. There are some things I like about young lovemaking as I remember but as I think about it, a slower more intimate experience is what I like now. What do you think? Are you enjoying the transition to a more mature life or do you long for a different time?

rogueflyer 8 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Life sucks and yes I wish I had it goin on like I used to!! FUCK..aging stinks!!!


I find no difference, actually.


This kind of question bothers me. I remember sex from my 20s and 30s, but I have no experience with sex in my 50s or 60s (unless you count masturbation). So that transition you speak of is a transition to sexual invisibility.

Well, you've got something to look forward to! Life can just keep getting better.

@rogueflyer bullshit!

@BitFlipper Hmmm, that may be part of the problem.

@rogueflyer I'm almost done with my 60s, and you're telling me my 70s will be better? Based on what fairy tale? I'm not here to delegitimize your life, so why delegitimize mine?

@BitFlipper Sorry to hear your 60s haven't been well. I really don't mean to "delegitimize" your situation. I was simply reacting to your comment to me "bullshit". Other than being another decade closer to the grim reaper I feel life is good. I do hope you are able to discover joy.


When you dump that libido and the youthful hormones, its a kind of freedom as well.

Took me a while to figure that out.


I never had your version of young sex when younger or now. I am a demisexual so my sexual experiences have always been slower and more intimate. So yes I enjoy things this way but sometimes, when hormones are trying to make a baby, a GOOD quick fck is needed by one's sexual partner. 😉 In a different time I was a virgin or technical virgin trying to save herself for marriage so I do not long for that, at all

I'm not as versed as I should be so I had to look up "demisexual". A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone. It's more commonly seen in but by no means confined to romantic relationships. Sounds like you got it right early in life.

@rogueflyer aww thanks 🙂

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