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Now this is my kind of snow storm

Heidi68 8 Jan 31

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Yes 😀 Had one ‘up here’ a night ago … didn’t even hear it 🙂

Varn Level 8 Feb 1, 2020

Fog & MIST here,I'm envious. Ground hog Day/superball day
falls on sunday...
Very nice photos!!!

This morning's view 😊

@Heidi68 A photographer as well! What else can you do?

@AstralSmoke I have a million hobbies. Too bad I couldn't turn one into my dream job....

@Heidi68 What is/was your dream job?

@AstralSmoke went to college to be a vet but fainting at the sight of blood destroyed that dream. I guess something with travel & photography would be great.

@Heidi68 You should combine the two. Traveling and photography go hand in hand.

@Heidi68 our passions keep us SHARP for our other tasks;
You indeed sound multi- TALENTED♒

@AstralSmoke if I had been smart I would have done that when I was young. Now I worry about retirement & health insurance..... so I hope to be able to travel a little here & there - then just share my photos with my friends

@BBJong Thank you. Not sure how talented but certainly have tons of passions/hobbies 😁


I guess it stirs the imagination! You have quite a spread there.

10.5 total acres. ~7 are woods.

@Heidi68 Wow, a wonderland!

@AstralSmoke I like it. I have fox, deer, raccoon, skunk & an opossum who likes to visit for snacks.
Pictures - my woods, a cool tree, neat stuff, my neighbors cows & my view.

@Heidi68 It looks similar to where I grew up, except we had dairy farmers. It looks like a beautiful place to live.

@AstralSmoke it is a beautiful place to live (for now). Where did you grow up?

@Heidi68 I grew up in Blount County, TN in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. It was a great place to grow up, but not a great place to be a teenager (too boring).

How long have you lived where you are now?

@AstralSmoke I moved here in Nov. 2015. OK 2010 to 2015. VA 2003 to 2010 (with a few month in Texas in 2008/2009). WA 2001 - 2003. CA 1997 - 2001. NC 1994 - 1997 (with 2 winters in CO). CA 1992 - 1994. NC birth to 1992 (minus a summer in Mass.).

@Heidi68 It sounds like you should have a good pulse of the US. I've visited most of those states. 🙂
Why did you move east to west and then back east and then back west with months in the middle?

@AstralSmoke a lot of the moves were because I married a military guy (NC/CA/WA/VA). The Texas move was suppose to be for longer but the job I went down there for told me I was going to get paid 'x' and then tried to pay me less than 1/2.... CO was purely skiing & hiking (skied in winter, managed a restaurant on the beach in NC in the summers).
My dad use to call Mr his little gypsy.


No snow so far for us in England, its been a 'very' mild winter to date, worryingly mild.

It is going to 55° next week / I think I am near your latitude.
We had 2 foot of snow last year- 5centimeters this year.
Ah well

@BBJong the weather people said last night by Wednesday we will be mid 60s....
@Fernapple - I am a bit worried also. This is the 1st dusting we have had. Last year, we had 1 storm in Dec of 15" and then a couple small storms (1" or two).



bobwjr Level 10 Jan 31, 2020
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