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In participating in the cover up of Trump's misdeeds, in turning a blind eye to blatant corruption of our electoral process, did the Republican Party hurt itself politically going forward? Will they pay a price at the ballot box? Can they ever recover their credibility?

Flyingsaucesir 8 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Yep ; I think the stance they choose and
attitude they espouse are PUTTING them squarely
against the majority of public desire.History will
judge this as the new bellweather of
public ethics. At the very least-if they can do it
so can we⚠️


Hopefully they will be evicted from Washington


I predict the Republican party its evolved into with it's contempt for rule of law as compromise for the glorification of antiquated explanations of the universe will cease to exist in 15 years.

Unfortunately, the rubble will bury us.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry! 🙊🙉🙈

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