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For all the connoisseurs of fine liquor.

Didn’t know where to put this. There is no, you’ve got to be kidding me group.

JackPedigo 9 Feb 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh, good grief! Don't we have a Stupid Stuff and Miscellany category?

Lets see we have oddities, liquid sunshine and food.


There is a Silly Random Fun category.

Found it. Should I repost?? lol

@JackPedigo I have cross posted a few times. The SRF posts show-up in the 'General forum' so most folks have had a chance to see it already.


What ever it takes for the elites to feel special. hahahaha


No concern of mine, I don't drink liquor.

What, wouldn't this temp you to start?? lol A friend once brought me a bottle of Mescal from Mexico. It looked gross with the worm (grub). Had a party and someone tried it and said it was good so I did too. It was pretty good. The liquid not the worm. I'll pass on this, though.

@JackPedigo I used to have a drink before the not mixing with medications dictated otherwise.

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