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Thought I’d share this video to discuss. Saw it on a friends Facebook feed and can’t believe I fell for bs like this earlier in my life.

abyers1970 7 Feb 3

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Never give me the last word - God

Amen to that! 😉


All art is full of symbolism, but it is open to interpretation, based on one's frame of mind, sanity, cultural upbringing . . . . even a person's writing can tell you a lot about them . . . . how they sign their name, whether they write with an upward slant or a downward slant, how big the loops are in their e's, where they cross their t's . . . . Another thing you may have noticed is the prevalence of militarism in art. They use "Satanism" to try to spread fear, because fear is used to control people, it is used by government and by religion, and the two have been doing a pretty good job in collaborating to accomplish this goal, spread fear, control the masses. Probably the only thing I would agree with in this video, is that women who get up in front of crowds and show off their asses are not doing their side of the human gender any favors.
If "Satan" was the enemy of "god" that they claim him to be, he would not be torturing people in hell as they claim he would, (that would be cooperating with "god" ) he would be throwing them a party and laughing at all the people bored to death in heaven. They just can't keep their lies straight, but they don't have to worry to much about that since there are so many people who have no filters for bull shit.
"God" and "Satan" are nothing more than a tag team, used to keep the sheep under control, keep the government in power . . . . they do not want any wolves among the masses, because wolves are dangerous to them. America is not a democracy, anyone who believes that, is kidding themselves. Follow the money . . . . it goes directly into the coffers of the military industrial complex. As Voltaire once said, "To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize." . . . . Now think Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning . . . .


((yes, yes, the "devil" is in the details))



Ohferpetessake...more "everything has a hidden meaning and if you send me $$$ I will save you from it" BS?!!?
Same as religion........

OMG, thank you... you brought me back to my early 20's..

@LatentumCattus oh me too. In Alabama in the late 60's. And the Impressive comb-over, drumpy would gag with jealousy!


Paranoid religious dogma. I watched two minutes and turned it off in disgust.


And evangelical Louie Giglio believes that laminin is proof of god...

Don't Believe The Hype!

EDITED TO ADD: Seeing meaning in unconnected things is apophenia.


There are gullible people who believe this sort of nonsense for the whole of their lives, whereas you had the common sense to grow out of it.


Wow. They really grasp, huh? Symbolism can be found in anything with symmetry. Symmetry is beauty. Beauty is evil.


Lying for Jesus on steroids...


These people see things that aren't usual.


That is some imagination and imaginative interpretation there.

Well they do see Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich so nothing surprises me


This is the type of stuff I was taught in my cult as a child. It is sick.

Funny thing is that there is a helluva lot of occult stuff mixed in with Christianity that most Christians don’t realize

Christianity, historically IS paganism!

@DavidLaDeau Take the Eucharist or Lords supper where you are symbolically drinking Jesus blood. That is pagan. No Jew would even symbolically drink someone else blood cause that was strictly forbidden. Also the Trinity is pagan

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