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Of al the nasty, crappy, classless things drunp has done, and said, on an hourly basis since his "election", i think the most reprehensible is giving that fat bag of crap a Medal of Honor. Does Everything have to be tainted by him?!?

AnneWimsey 9 Feb 7

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I actually enjoyed him being awarded the medal because it was at that time I discovered he had stage 4 cancer! Definitely a cause for celebration. Also it is a mistake that can be corrected. There is currently a bill in the house to rescind Bill Cosby's Medal of Honor. no reason the same cannot be done to Limbaugh once we retake the Senate.


Right on! Lock him up!


Actually I enjoyed that. Because I simultaneously discovered that piece of shit is going to be dead soon. Totally made my day. Also, there is currently a bill in the house to rescind Bill Cosby's. There is no reason another bill cannot be introduced to revoke this one.


Trump's stench will be on this nation forever.

It will wear off just like Nixon's did. It will just take a lot longer. 20 years from now he will be nothing but a faded bad memory

@mooredolezal Nixon didn't disgrace us in front of the world. Nixon didn't turn our country into a satellite of Russia. Nixon didn't change our form of government into a monarchy. We're far more fucked now than we could ever have been from Nixon.

Nixon did disgrace us in front of the world. He & Kissinger extended a war by years (and bodies) to secure an election. He gave us such laughable phrases as 'peace with honor' and 'the silent majority'. He resigned the office of president before he would have been impeached because he was told his support had finally dissipated. He was a very public and international mess, and though time has faded Nixon's impact a bit, Nixon is still a well-known peak and example of ratfuck politics.

@Lunk Please. There is no comparison.

@BitFlipper Wow. O.K. If you're not open to the discussion, then, that both presidents have been a disgrace beyond our borders. Thanks for your condescension.

@Lunk This has been a discussion and I simply disagree with you. You will not change my mind. Discussion does not mean you win.

@BitFlipper No, I get that you are closed-minded. I'll not be seeing you around!

@Lunk I'm very open minded, but facts are facts.

@BitFlipper I agree. That's why I said 20 years instead of the 5 or so it took to get over the stench of Nixon.


He will most likely continue his vile comments until he takes his last foul breath.


Yes it does. Everyone and everything near him becomes corrupt and putrid. Every single thing.


He would shower with compliments and totally inappropriate rewards anyone who praises and supports his vindicative evilness. I’m surprised he didn’t give him a major job in his administration.


But can we beat him in 2020? Should we not focus on what we can do to win? We are all convinced Trump is not good. Is it not beating the dead horse and not getting anywhere?

Keeping your eyes and calling him out is our only recourse at the moment. As we get closer to election time and now that he has been given carte blanche by his Senate toadies, I expect he will be doing every dirty trick he can come up with to throw or avoid the November election to stay in power. Three years ago we handed the biggest crook never to have spent a day in jail the keys to the bank and unbridled power. He is not going o let that go easily.

@Barnie2years Do you not think we should be out there in the mainstream in the Conservative media to do this bashing? Their circulation is huge. Our platform is in the infancy stage. We do not have more than 300 members online on any day. If we are voicing concerns, it is ranting and preaching to the choir at best. Do you think it will make any difference?

We have lost in the Senate, we are losing in the courts, we are losing in popularity with American people. Do you not think something that we are doing is not working?

@St-Sinner I don’t believe we are losing with the American people. I continue to believe that the majority are liberal, just much less organized than the Right and the conservatives. Just as Atheists are more independent and less prone to joining than the religious. We, as free thinkers, tend to be more laissez fair, meaning we are less prone to attempt to force our thoughts on others. This outlet,, allows us to find common ground, discuss openly our thoughts and motivate each other to see our sameness rather than our differences. Something the standard media, and even less so Conservative media would never allow.
So no, I don’t think voicing our feelings on here (and at least for me on Facebook) is a waste of time, or doing something wrong.


Yes, it does..he's a foul stench that hangs over the nation..

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