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Bernie supporters often argue if Bernie was nominated in 2016....

Here are higher possibilities of what would have happened:

  1. He would not have been elected. Trump would have floored him in the first debate.
  2. A lot of Democrats would have stayed home on the election day
  3. It would have been a defeat for the history books
  4. The defeat lesson would have been taught in political science class in Harvard
  5. Democrats would change parties in droves
  6. It would have been embarrassing to be called a Democrat
  7. The Republicans, religious right and religion would have a grip on Washington for the next 30 years.
  8. Our children would be saying morning Christian prayer in schools. Lessons on intelligent design would be text books and Darwin would be removed
  9. Government funding would have increased to religion at home and abroad
  10. Anti-abortion would be the law of the land
  11. The religious right would have called their victory for the next 18 years the second coming of Jesus

Bernie is not even a Democrat. He should not be allowed to hijack the Democratic Party platform to seek the White House.We have plenty of good candidates in the wider Democratic Party. We do not need a candidate who does harm to the party with crazy, outlandish socialist policies and brand the entire party as socialist. The damage is already done. The DNC must change the rules.

Bernie is crazy. He is a bad news for a good message. Forget him and choose a good Democratic candidate to throw Trump out.

St-Sinner 9 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Your post misses a few salient points, namely how bad both candidates were. In a system designed to pick the best, it somehow managed to pick the least of the worst. As a brit, I am not as steeped in US politics as yourself but even I knew that Hillary was the most hated US politician on the circuit.
In 2006 the BBC managed to get its show "Top Gear" banned from filming in America when jokingly the guys wrote slogans on their cars whilst driving from Miami to New Orleans. They were respectively "Gay pride" on the Ford pick up, "Nascar sucks" on the muscle car, and "Hillary for president" on the Caddie. Now maybe it was "Nascar sucks" that led to them being attacked in a gas station but "Hillary for president" did not help matters any.
Hillary's campaign did not exactly light up the sky either. When Trump was pushing MAGA, it seemed that her slogan was "It's my turn".
Then you add in the reform factor. Only once has the electorate not changed the administration after a 2-time winner, in post-war years - Regan/Bush.
The fact that she won the popular vote was not a testimony to how good she was but on how bad Trump is. If she got that far then how much better would a clean candidate like Bernie have done? Trump would have had no mud to sling. On top of that, he would have faced a large popular democratic vote. With people who actually believed that in their choice. Not just being against the alternative.
One is tempted to think that Bernie could have stayed at home reading the sports page, playing with his grand-kids and still have done beaten Trump, hands down.

@OwlInASack It was a double whammy. She got it from sexist guys for simply being a woman and from feminists for standing by her man after his infidelity.
Although how she got to be so hated is largely irrelevant. Entering a race with only one shoe on is dumb, no matter how it came off.

@OwlInASack She won the popular vote because Trump is a prick not because people really wanted her.
JC was a car crash of a leader. Don't get me wrong. I voted labour but reluctantly so. The left is very fond of words like "if, should and imagine" but we do not live in a rom-com. MPs "should have got behind him, why? He never backed any labour govt votes. Yes, there was a lot of media bias against him but that has been true of nearly every labour leader in history. You cannot say that he did not get enough coverage. The election was the Corbyn, Corbyn, and Corbyn show. Everyone goes on about how decent and upright he is. Well if he was that decent? then he should have stood down after losing in 2016. Should have gone to May when she lost the 1st Brexit vote and hammered out a bipartisan deal. Should have realized that the UK has never voted in a radical labour party from scratch (1945 was an incumbent coalition govt) and worked with the Blairites to create a broad spectrum of policies. The result is we have 5 more years of Tory shit to put up with and the odds are they will get in again next time. So thanks for nowt JC.

Here lies the grave of Albert May
Who died defending his right of way
He was right, right, right all along, all along
But he`s just as dead as if he was wrong


There is a chance St-Sinner is honestly ignorant of political corruption in the US, but I think he is being paid to troll Agnostic. No proof, just my gut. The criminal billionaires bought the major news networks and newspapers, now they are trying to bend public opinion using social networks.

I am not ignorant. I have been a Democrat, ultra liberal when on the East Coast but have moved to moderate in the last 8 years.

I am aware of the injustices. But with Bernie, you are bringing a hammer to kill a fly on your grandpa's bald head. We don't need extremes to solve a problem. Bernie is the Extreme Far left. It is not the Democrats' position. There are many other and in fact better solutions that Bernie's and we have better candidates than Bernie.

@OwlInASack In early 2018 a high school classmate, whom I'd not heard from since 1963 found me on FB. He presented himself as a Trumpeter and eventually offered me $30,000 to be Trump friendly. I didn't take the money, but the oligarchs do spread the dough. I told this story shortly after joining Agnostic, and abandoning my FB membership. All this occurred following calls to my GOP congressman and senators urging them to vote against the Trump finance bill.

I'm a political nobody, who has never joined a party, and those three calls were my firs political act, except for voting. It was a bit scary. They can get to anyone.The

St-Sinner bashes Bernie, but either will not tell or has no proposals for improving life for people in the US. Why is he only spreading FUD, fear, uncertainty and doubt.


Out of curiosity, do you view FDR as having “crazy, outlandish, socialist policies”?

FDR was a great messenger.. I do not disagree with the message. My big problem is the messenger - Bernie.

Even every Republican wants a good and fair priced healthcare - ot free, nobody in America wants insurance companies' terrorism, the old and retired do not have to struggle with the prescription bills. I get it. We all get it. Drop Bernie. He will bring a mayhem to your cause. Our country will not have a revolution in this country. Bernie is living in a la la land.

  1. Start achieving incrementally like a Trojan horse.
  2. Get into Washington with a good candidate.
  3. Start winning more seats.
  4. Sharpen your message. make deals with the devil.
  5. Fuck the opposition with they knowing they are fucked..


Frankly, I believe our country loves a revolution.
Our history is full of radical change, beyond the the war that began our country.

T. Roosevelt turned over the elite power structure of the day.

FDR adopted radical changes that Bernie wants to return to. Social Security was labeled as socialism by his opponents.

Kennedy and Johnson brought profound changes with the great society - Medicare and civil rights.

Reagan brought on radical change - we don’t like it, but it can’t be denied.

Obama was less effective, but based his presidency on the concept of change.

Bernie has voted with Democrats for 40 years - he is the take over of the Democratic Party- just not in a quiet Trojan horse way.
I like most of the other Democratic candidates, but I don’t see any of them generating the levels of enthusiasm and support that Bernie does - particularly with the 20 million, 18 - 21 year olds that will be voting for the first time. That kind of support will lead to down ticket votes that will help bring control of the house and senate.

I don’t believe we can afford incremental change that the DNC advocates. Climate change and wealth inequality are at crisis levels, and Sanders’ plans to address them are better than other candidates.

As a messenger, Bernie would be better off if the word “socialist” weren’t associated with him, but if you have looked at his policies he’s not advocating for a government takeover of private industry. Bernie would reinforce the social policies we already have, while curbing the excess of influence by which oligarchs are strangling our republic.


No one is so blind as s/he who will not see.

Bernie supporters are blinded by misplaced passion for a cause. They are not thinking for choosing a correct messenger. I would not run my favorite dog in the Kentucky Derby because I sooo lovve him.

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