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I’m sitting in the car (waiting for a friend) and reading The Portable Atheist. A year ago, I would have considered this book the work of the devil. Lol! How things have changed! This really is a great book. I highly recommend it. ?

Jito5181 4 Mar 29

Enjoy being online again!

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How do I get this book?

I got mine from Barnes and Noble ?


I doubt I'll read it since I never used arguments to stop believing..just reading the Sumerian texts and realizing that much of the Bible was a poor copy of their stories. I was relieved, since I'd always felt weird about worshiping some god who commanded people be stoned for picking up sticks on Saturday, told the army to slaughter every person and animal in tribes that didn't submit to Moses and/or Joshua. To add insult to injury, WE were told "love others as we love ourselves." Oh, brother.


Awesome, I used to wear nappies once too lol but even more sadly I might have to again one day


I'll have to read this. Read your profile. Amazing story. I think you'll find a home here. Peace and welcome!


This is a pretty good book.


I have watched a lot of his interviews on youtube. He has good insights.


Read Willian Manchester "A World Lit Only by Fire" Hitchens is great and I was a big fan of his debates on You Tube. I haven't got into his reading and the only one I did was about Mother Theresa which I thoroughly engulfed knowing the Catholic Church as I do.

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