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I think I’ve finally been through all that I can handle. I am busting my ass to graduate and make something of myself but the outside world just keeps testing me. I had made plans to move out when our lease ended last December but our new roommate was in an abusive home and we agreed to renew our lease if she would stay until this December when it ends. I explained how this would put us in a horrible rut if she did not honor that and she promised we would have to worry. I should have done a written lease for her but we never have had to with any of our other roommates. Now after her moving two of her friends in here, that couple has decided their moving out March 1st which was a small setback until the other roommate decided she was going to up and leave in a month so she can live rent free with her parents in Arkansas. Why was this not an option before? Why even move into our home if this was an option? I can’t even talk reasonably with her right now. I am so angry and scared because of the place she has put me in. I have no income because I’m in the middle of my internship, no guaranteed job in this town once May comes (because I’m in a program that requires me to work for DHS to pay back my loans & ours is not hiring), no idea what town I’ll have to move to at that point, the money I had saved to get through To April will have to go towards our last months bills, my dog unexpectedly had puppies that I have to get rid of in a month, I have no place to keep my two dogs if I have to stay with my grandpa or my parents (who can both be abusive), I have a 20 paged paper I have to have done by March 6th, and my car has a donut and two flats on it at the moment so I don’t even have guaranteed transportation. I have never been this low in my life and all I needed was for this semester to give me some sort of break & instead it started with my nana overdosing and has turned into all of this. All I can do is cry. Never in my life did I think I would be in this situation so close to finally being to a point where I’m “okay”. It’s so weird not believing in a God but still feeling like the whole universe is up against you.

1EarthLovingGal 7 Feb 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Take heart there are caring people here that will help , don't give up

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 22, 2020

You should sue your roommate (s) in civil court!

@1EarthLovingGal you don't need a written lease, you two had a verbal contract.


How about if you take the puppies to a shelter & then see if they will give you a certificate for a free or.low-cost spay? Which I wish you had done earlier. Then, move out to your landlord. If you make it plain you will not be able to pay they may be glad to see you go.

@1EarthLovingGal passing out puppies at Walmart is animal abuse! You have no idea what kind of home they will get! Maybe even used as "bait" for training fighting dogs! Please take them to a shelter where prospective owners will be vetted!f

@1EarthLovingGal euthanized humanely would be Far preferable to being torn apart by pitbulls being trained to kill, or you think not?


What size tire do you need ? I think I have a decent 750/14 with 5 holes in the shop. I am coming to the city tomorrow and could drop it by.


Call 211 or go to they can help.

List for them - the things you've listed here - there may be organizations that can help you.

The puppies can be found homes by the Humane Society. []
If money is tight - there is also information there on getting food for you pets.

Ask 211 about your tires. If they can't help call your local Lion's club. They are known for helping with vision - but they will help with anything. Having four decent tires on the car is within their wheelhouse. []
Just call the one in your area.

Are there any board programs while you are in residency? If 211 can't help you - PM me - I'll help you look for other resources.

Hang in there.

Don't kill the roommate. They aren't worth it. They're a narcissist. Live and learn. (sigh).

I am so thankful you have the knowledge to guide her to some possible resources.

@1EarthLovingGal These are the free and low cost spay/neuter programs by State in the US for later: []

Definitely speak to 211 about housing - they may be able to help you. Particularly if you are in a bad situation if you move back to your parents. Threat of harm holds a lot of weight with social agencies and you should mention it. It sounds pretty untenable.
They may have other solutions for you - perhaps even where the dog(s) can stay with you.

I'm glad you're on safe tires!


Life is really really hard. Sorry you are at a low point.


I am truly sorry you are in such a bad place. I wish I had some magic words to make you feel better, but I know sometimes there aren't any. Sometimes a good cry can help clear the cobwebs so you can see things more clearly and hopefully come up with a new plan. So cry and vent if that is what you need.

@1EarthLovingGal I hope they do too.


Being on your own sucks and depending on others only makes it worse... I was homeless at least 5 times in my life so I understand your position completely.

@lizard_of_ahaz. Well that truly sucks. I am so sorry. Hopefully thats in the past.

@Bigwavedave It is now they finally diagnosed me properly as having PTSD 40 years later...

@1EarthLovingGal You live in a different world than I did... Hopefully you will be fine but you are always welcome at my table so you won't be homeless or starve.


She sounds like an entitled bitch.


Adulting sucks, doesn't it?

1of5 Level 8 Feb 15, 2020

@1EarthLovingGal yeah, just wish I had better news about it. 😉

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