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My mother called to say her Springer Spaniel seems to have cancer in her upper digestive system. I said " I'm sorry" and left it at that. I hate that fucking mutt. She will not stop jumping up on me, so I have to knee her in the face to knock her back. My knees are replaced, so it hurts. My simple request that mother kennel the dog when I'm coming falls on deaf ears. It's mother's fault for not schooling the dog, but I can't hit mother. More's the pity, I remember her hitting me. I'm not a dog or cat fan. Since Trump, my opinion of people suffers as well. So, fellow Atheists and Agnostics, why struggle to survive in the cesspool we helped create? Peeps with jesus fear hell, I suppose. Or count on heaven, though none show enthusiasm for going there.

ForTheBirds 6 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Ironic as it may seem, those who allow their pets free run of the house and don't bother to properly train them are helping their pets as a loving parent, rather, they are behaving irresponsibly. All my life I've had cats and dogs, all of which were trained, sooner or later. Cats can be trained not to jump up on food surfaces such as tables or counters. And dogs can be trained how to behave as well, beginning with the tendency to 'jump up' without consent.

I detest irresponsible pet owners. We have some friends who are cat lovers as are we, but we won't go to their house for dinner again, as they allow their cats to jump up on the dining room table, the kitchen counters and even their grand piano. I frequently dog sit a friend's Alaskan Malamute who is most affectionate, but he behaves differently with me than he does with my friend. Dogs know what's expected of them--kind of like kids, actually--and they can easily take advantage of a inattentive or complacent owner.


ooh man you would hate kirby then. He is a jumper too--- his breed enjoys jumping--- and he would try to jump on you to give you kisses. They are trying to train it out of him as he seems to terrify the east asians and south asians in the neighbourhood... some weird cultural fear or something idk.


Not sure where this is going, but i do hope your mom is compassionate enough to end her fogs suffering when the time comes

I'll have to take Mother and the dog to the vet to be euthanized. The dog, not mother, more's the pity. But thanks for the smile. I get the assignment each time because I don't care for dogs and I hate cats. My girlfriends find me helpful for their animal issues. Mother's prior dog took the trip a week before my father died. Mother carried on more for the dog than she did for her husband of 60 years. My opinion of my mother took a sharp slide after that.

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