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I do NOT believe in God, demons, ,angels, ghosts, spirits, souls, horoscopes, astrology, third eyes, chakras, karma, bad luck, psychics, palm reading, praying, vibes, cliche quotes, soul mates, reincarnation, witches, voodoo, magic, tarot cards, Ouija boards, and a lot of other made up beliefs. That's why they're beliefs, they're nothing without your belief in them, when you stop believing they lose all their power, because the power is all in your mind.

People believe in things for hope, comfort and for answers to things they can't understand. I don't need hope, comfort, or made up answers.

I personally prefer logic, reason, and scientific answers.

The burden of proof falls on the person making the claim that their belief is real. Not on the person who doesn't have any reason to believe in the claim.

There are people who's lives are hopeless because they're dying. They do have special circumstances that it is justified that their existence is better off with these belief systems. They can give them much needed hope and comfort. I think in people's dying moments, it's reasonable for people to break because of fear and pain. When people we love are dying or dead or when it's us, it's reasonable that we might grasp for comfort or hope in those moments of weakness and desperation.

However, that does not mean that the rest of people are better off with their belief systems. I'm of the opinion that beliefs affect our important decision making. That those decisions directly affect the way we live our life and the outcome of our life.

Beliefs can stifle us, hurt us, trick us, deceive our better judgement, make us weak, and cause us undo stress anxiety and suffering.
We can miss out on people, opportunities, experiences, life lessons, laughter, joy, and things we could love.

Beliefs can ruin you judgment, and make you say stupid things.

Beliefs can also make you illogical where you hear and sound and start making up unrealistic explanations for it. (Like demons and spirits).

Astrological signs... believing in them as facts can change your perception of people inaccurately. You can also miss out on real connections in fear that your "signs" are not compatible. When in reality, you just made it true by believing it.

Souls... our personality are determined by our memories. Any brain damage even dementia can radically alter and even erase your memories and causing you not to know anything about yourself. We are also ever changing, we grow, evolve, and change our minds constantly. We are not the 5,15, 20 year old versions of ourselves. What version of your "soul" would be saved? It really makes no sense. We are only who we are in the present time. Souls are inaccurately dramatized and depicted as a spirit within us that has all our memories and knows everything we like and dislike. But that's really only our minds and personality from our memories. Even Strokes have been known to change people entirely. From good to bad, and from bad to good. I actually have 2 examples of that in my family. Our body and brains retention are not separate. When the brain is damaged or dies, it affects who we really are. If our brain dies, all the dendrites that store our memories die too. That's LOGICAL. Everything else you believe about your "soul" is a belief. A BELIEF!! It was made up by someone.

Prayers... it's so very grandiose to believe that we Americans are so special that God would answer our prayers but not those of a mother who's child dies of starvation. Does it hurt to pray for someone? No... but it's just useless. The best way to help is to actually help people. With impactful words and actions. Sometimes people just need your time, love, support, encouragement. Other times people need you time, money, assistance, a home cooked meal, errands ran for them, help with their kids, physical help, a real helping hand. Sometimes "thoughts and prayers" can feel more like a slap in the face to someone who could use real help. It's a super cheap easy dismissal.

Karma... it matters where words originated and what their definition is. Think about the word karma. Is karma a real thing that just flows around taking tabs on everyone's good and bad deeds. Making sure they have equal justice for every bad deed? No... that's nonsense. People just really want bad people to pay for the bad they do. People are vengeful and they want justice. So it's no wonder why people use this word to wish bad things on people who do bad. Yet, we know the only thing that's logical that we can hope for is... consequences!!! That's the real "karma". Yet their are real consequences for people's actions but let's stop acting like karma is a spirit with powers to punish people. That's totally made up.

Bad Luck... I always think it's very difficult to explain when good things happen without using the words lucky, fortunate, and blessed. Because I don't believe any of those are actually accurate but I have used those words for lack of a better term. I really need to find a better word. Because those words imply something not realistic. Luck is something very very superstitious. Blessed means a gift from God. Fortunate comes from having a good fortune which is the same as luck really.

Bad luck seems to be one of the oldest superstitions that people have held onto. I think a lot of people are over black cats being considered bad luck, but when you see the statistics it's clear that black cats are the least adopted because of superstitions. Which is another point I made about the negative affects of beliefs. I like to think that people aren't scared to walk under ladders but still have the common sense not to do so. I hope people know when they break a mirror it's just broken glass. There's so many beliefs that die out. Even the beliefs of Gods...

Gods... hmmm... anyone worshipping the Egyptian Gods? Or Greek Gods anymore? Not really, not much. But imagine all the superstitious belief systems that went along with all their Gods. Think about all the things they did or didn't do because of their beliefs in their Gods. Some things undoubtedly were very awful, cruel, wrong, and just ignorant. Just like many religions you don't agree with today, you might think their beliefs cause them to do unnecessary things that are not good for their life.

Witches... they really think they have magic and power. Yet so many people were burned by God lovers because they were accused of being witches. Yet none of them were said to use their magic to escape their burning fate. When it comes down to it, magic is an illusion.

Anyone who claims to practice some form of magic is really just a manipulator and illusionist.

When you stop giving power to false beliefs. You start to see the ridiculousness of them. You start having a locus of control over your own life. You stop fearing illogical things. You become less easily swindled. You become more brave and can deal with problems in a more rational and effective way. People don't realize that their reality is sculpted by their perception and their perception is altered by their beliefs. Read that again. Strip away man made beliefs and what do you have left? Try it out... I challenge you to go some time without believing in any of those things and having to deal with life without your superstitions. It's extremely liberating. But it is also scary to know how much control you have, and how many outcomes are actually your fault. It's very hard to face our reality. But I feel it's for the better. I'd rather know the truth. I do not want to be comforted with lies. Not yet. Lol!! I'm strong but I don't know if I always will be. Some day when I'm dying or my loved on is dying I might need to lie to myself to cope. Because devastation can cause temporary insanity. I feel like I could lose my mind in certain situations. But only under duress.

I feel like I've went so far down this rabbit hole that I seem like the weird one for not believing in everyone else's make-believe beliefs. Which is crazy... that our society needs this much comfort, distraction, and hope because they just can't cope! That I am the odd one now because I don't buy in what society wants me to buy because everyone else is buying this crap by case. Lol

If anyone out there understands me and what I'm saying and it makes sense to you. Please let me know, I feel so alone on the side of logic and reason. People literally make up and pass down ALL these superstitious beliefs and I'm the odd one for not believing in them. Hmmm... this is an odd reality. Like a twilight zone. Because it's really hard to find others like me.

SableDavenport 3 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree without reservation. I sincerely hope your rant (and I don't mean that in a derogatory way) made you feel better and I understand your need to do it. For me it can become so tiring to just shut up and listen to the bullshit because you know what you wish to say just won't be accepted.


Wow, you certainly lit a fire under a few people. Nevertheless, you definitely aren't alone, although I must admit I'm somewhat partial to the occasional cliche. You've gone to such great length, and been incredibly clear, there are other people that think, but they will always be the few. Just take a look at a bell curve.


I agree almost 100%. What you say is true about witches believing they can do magic. If they do indeed believe they have some sort of magic or psychic powers then they are not manipulators or illusionist. This I would say if I was not in my present situation. It applies to all magic or spiritual beliefs. If they actually believe it to be true they are delusional but not necessarily decietful.
My girlfriend is at least a 5th generation witch. She does not "practice" so to spek but she does believe in magic and spirits. She believes that people can "take" the pain of others and of "just" knowing things. Shenbelieves that some spells are actually real but they come from inside without the need for bats ears and lizzard tails.
Her belief is not justified but the belief is real.
When I was indoctrinated as a child I had no choice but to become a believer as I thought it was all real. I searched to get closer to "the real god" and eventually discovered that I no longer believed. I was honest on both accounts my belief and disbelief, no manipulation or deceit intended in either account.


What about reading chicken entrails to determine the future? Is that out too?

I'm joking.

I know how you feel. Your self description and atheism are very clear. It's always good when members are very clear where they stand on these issues. Not all here are.


You are right relax you are not alone

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 18, 2020

I agree with you, though I admit to using many of those words/terms metaphorically, not really believing in the supernatural background, but making use of the words lightly or jokingly to convey something for which the word fits, to make a point.

There was a stage in my life when I was a bit rebellious regarding the supernatural and refused to use certain words and terms. Now that I've mellowed with decades of looking at the bigger picture, I've softened my stance a bit, because the words aren't as potent as they used to be for me.


So what is that you are uneasy with to have invested so much energy in this post?


you think you're original? you think you're the only one who has confronted this phase?? please. just don't get stuck here or you'll be just as unhappy and lost as these other poor schmucks who can't seem to formulate a narrative that makes sense and withstands scrutiny. namaste

@Omnedon perhaps. but there's way too much immediate condemnation around here by people who havent the faintest conception of the limits to the scientific method. If a hypothesis is not FALSIFIABLE then it is outside the scope of such methods ... but try telling this group that. So you're either firm about it trying to get their attention or they'll just waive you off like they dismiss everything else without an inkling of their oversight. She'll likely just dismiss it anyway - but MAYBE she will try to learn. maybe.

@Omnedon most certainly.

@Omnedon I don't see it that way. I see it as a condemnation of the other side without an adequate understanding of the method or true purpose.

@JeffMesser Quite agree. There is one section in this vast tract, and I may have interpreted this wrongly, that implies it is okay to adopt a belief system if you are dying but it is not okay if you are alive and well.

@Geoffrey51 I just get tired of the whole "there's no proof" issue leading to a brick wall of denial. it's a bullsh!t question a la marissa tomei ...

@OwlInASack no, it hasn't. if not falsifiable then the scientific method is useless. your critique of my method is irrelevant.

@OwlInASack zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

@OwlInASack at least my non-substance isn't filled with all those pointless words.

@OwlInASack don't compare me to your hero trump.

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