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Do looks really matter? In a age of Instagram perfect faces and snap lighting filter faces. Do looks really matter if there isn't any "real substance" in terms of personality and intelligence etc. Am I right?

M121 7 Nov 21

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Men tend to be more visual creatures, so physical attractiveness does play a more important role for them than it does for women.

Not that it isn't important for women as well, but it's easier for a man to make up for a few flaws with a good sense of humor and an outgoing personality.

That being said, take a good looking guy and an average joe with equal senses of humor and similar outgoing personalities and the good looking guy will go home with the girl every single time.

The only flaw to that theory is beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


It's arbitrary...and individual ...what is attractive to one may be hideous to another


I agree-looks will attrac tbut I need someone who has a brain now. Intelligent conversation is very attractive to me. Looks fade-


No I don't think looks matter. I used to think they did, used to believe in my invisible god friend too. Becoming an athiest helped me see past the illusions that led me to think looks matter. Hygiene matters to me for sure. BO is no I now prefer intelligent people who challenge my intelligence. That challenge always leads to me, or both people gaining knowledge they didn't have before having the conversation.


Looks matter. Size matters. Weight matters. Minds matter.

It all matters. Really. Just differently to different people.

I agree that no neural chemistry will outweigh all the good looks in someone. I will never be with someone that can’t keep my interest cerebrally.

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