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Who will win the next election . Trump or Sanders ?

Astonvilla1 3 Feb 23

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Too soon to tell yet. I'd hope anyone BUT Trump at this point. Its clear he's for supporting programs that benefit the wealthy. Not just that but at the expense of the poor and middle class.

AmyLF Level 7 Feb 26, 2020

Look at bookies' odds of who is the most favorite for winning presidency in 2020. It is Trump. []

Yes because the choice is minimal.

Who did they favor in 16?

Yeah, bookies, that's how i make my decisions......




Trump won by running as a populist, by appealing to the working class. After four years, people are seeing that he has delivered on helping out his 1% buddies but he hasn't done much for the little guy.

Bernie is a true populist who also appeals to the working class. He will win back the exact demographic that caused Hillary to lose, working class people in the rust belt. He will also inspire high voter turnout because he has energized the youth and he has the Hispanic vote on lock down. His policies are wildly popular and he has an army of dedicated followers ready and willing to support him financially and rhetorically.

I'd say we have a good shot at beating Trump.

I don't believe Sanders is guy you may think he is. I would thread carefully with this guy.

@Astonvilla1 I'm not threading him any kind of way. He isn't a needle.

But he is a needle a pin head with little substance.

From your Lips to a god's ear.

@Astonvilla1 why not go to YouTube and see him being totally consistent for 30 years?! Any other politician you ever heard of even close?.


He is the candidate most focused on policy. He as more substance than all the rest.


Maybe neither one.
Why the rush?

Yes you are correct but seems it was only yesterday that it was Clinton v Trump.

@Astonvilla1 And we in our wisdom voted for the TV host. Can you believe it?
Imagine if we'd voted for Carter instead of Reagan, Gore instead of Bush, and Hillary instead of Carrot top, how different things would've turned out.
It really boggles the mind.

@Storm1752 Sorry but those are not real choices

@Astonvilla1 No 'course not...those horses left the barn a long time ago!


TRUMP.... hands down if Bernie is nominated. I am willing to bet.

Make no mistake about this. Voting for Bernie is re-electing Trump.

We Democrats will lose all moderate, independent and core Democrat votes and easily facilitate rallying of conservatives to unite around Trump.

Bernie's loss will reverberate for decades to come and these things will happen...

  1. Lessons will be taught in graduate schools on what not to do in presidential elections
  2. Democrats will be embarrassed to walk in streets or be called Democrats
  3. The backlash from Conservatives, capitalists and core Democrats will win more Republican seats in the Senate and House and also in state houses
  4. There will be a blackout for Democrats in Washington for at least next 4 terms
  5. Anti abortion, religion in politics, gender based bathrooms, Ten Commandments monuments in courts and government offices, Christian prayers and Bible studies in schools, U.S. funding for Christianity in the U.S. and around the world, strict voter ID laws, restricted civil rights and increased hatred and racial hate crimes against minorities and immigrants will be a norm and stay here for the next 2 generations at the least
  6. After the second Trump term, your grand children will go to Trump schools, Trump universities, drive on Trump highways, land and take off from Trump national and international airports, will get a day off on Trump's birthday from schools and work
  7. Fortunately, the good product of this agony will be that the Democratic Party will ban outsiders and especially extremists like Bernie from running for president on the Democratic Party platform.

Make no mistake about it. Don't bring this mayhem upon you and the rest. You do not realize the gravity of the suicide mission with Bernie. Collect yourself and save the Democratic Party.

When Bernie loses and Trump wins or we bring upon the mayhem with Bernie's election (not likely) and you all wonder how the **ck that happened.. remember St. Sinner had told you so.

Yes agree with you. Where are the young vibrant leaders . Sanders is no saint .

Thank you.
Please spread the good word and help save our democracy.

Ohferpetessake, singing the same tired song you learned from Faux again?
Numbers/donations/wins all are meaningless to you? And you state actual Lies, too.

Truth reverberates. It has a habit of not going away.

@St-Sinner yes, and lies spread a stench you will never be able to erase.

@AnneWimsey concern over a Bernie blood bath does not originate from Fox "news". People like me, who have been personally involved in progressive politics and federal elections for more than 20 years, are concerned because of our experiences. Seeing progressive candidates get the snot kicked out of them by relentless negative campaigning. Give us a little credit for having brains.

I like you but you don't like me.. 😟


I know I'd vote for Sanders, or anyone but Trump!

Be careful what you wish for . sanders is no angel.

@Astonvilla1 really, his entire life in the public eye and how many scandals? I'll wait right here while you find one, shall i?
Maybe you could try YouTube, where,unlike every other politician in my lifetime, he is consistent in his policies & ideas for over 30 YEARS!

@AnneWimsey Dig a little you may be surprised what you find the truth may set you free.

@Astonvilla1 you are not even going to look at one of them, are you....too bad, so sad.



Not a big fan of either one to be honest .


Are you opening a book.

If so what prices are you offering?

Don't worry.
It will be free copies, you will get one soon after Bernie implodes this year.

What prop bets are offered? That's where you make the real money.

@St-Sinner she means betting, you insulated fool

@AnneWimsey no need for the insults .


Sanders or anyone not trump

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 23, 2020

I understand you for sure 350 million and thats the best wow bloody shame.

Yup, I thought so! 🤔


Whoa there.. It's a little bit early for that kind of predicting. Maybe later, if Bernie officially has the nomination. Right now it's too early to even know how much, if any, support Bernie would get from the Dem Party or see how much the media is going to go against him as a nominee. I will know a lot more by this summer.

Not really it most likely will come down to sanders and Trump Just can't see anyone else not much to choose from.

@Astonvilla1 Bloomberg himself has plenty of money to campaign all the way to the convention, regardless of how well he does, as well as enough ego to continue no matter how bad he might be losing. We will need at least a couple more months to see how it goes.

Yes for sure . you are correct



I just don't trust this guy .its so sad that its him or trump.

@Astonvilla1 when you can see his entire scandal-free, in full public, life & outlook on YouTube, for 30+ years, I do not understand your comment at all.........

@AnneWimsey well you obviously missed something .Sanders is not what you think.

@AnneWimsey 350 million and that is the best America has to offer .wow.

@AnneWimsey are you sure you not a closet Trump supporter you have Trumpish traits .

@Astonvilla1 why don't you trust him?

@Cutiebeauty Even the squeaky clean Sanders made bigoted remarks about The Irish being drunks and only fight .The Italians are crooks And the blacks smell these kind of remarks you would expect from Trump .

@Cutiebeauty and by the way I am not a Trump supporter

@Astonvilla1 no, he is not what You think, I have seen him for 30 years being consistent & caring about We The People. You cannot be bothered to even check....

@Astonvilla1 I'm glad to hear you think Sanders is squeaky clean . And those remarks he may have made is not bigotry, they are stereotypes ...

@Astonvilla1 he wants big government to control what you get! Why would anyone want that??

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