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Dear American Voter,

As you know we all do not think Trump is good for America and we all want to defeat Trump. But the path we are on to nominate a weak candidate, a far right extremist and socialist candidate will bring us a big failure.

The Democrats defeat in November 2020 will not just be a defeat. It will be of the huge proportion with after affects to come and stay around for decades to come. Anger against the Billionaires and Millionaires is not never a reason to vote for president. It will not work.

Here is just a preview of what could our actions bring in Nov 2020. This election is too impoortant to take that risk. Please think through about the future of our children and grandchildren. Keep thinking sound.

  1. Trump will win a second term
  2. Trump will complete his second term (because Democrats will not win a majority in the Senate)
  3. Trump will build the best and the largest Presidential Library in Florida that will also be a symbol of the greatest narcissist ever lived in America
  4. The admission will not be free to the library. We all, our grandchildren, foreign tourists will buy tickets to go see it
  5. Our grandchildren will go to Trump schools and colleges, drive on Trump highways, take off and land on Trump national and international airports
  6. Our grandchildren and their children will not complain about a national holiday for Trump's birthday
  7. Bernie's candidacy and defeat will galvanize the conservatives base, the conservative state legislatures, school boards
  8. Natural evolution lessons will be removed from school books and intelligent design will be included, American history will be revised, Christian prayers will be introduced at schools and at the beginning of all legislative sessions
  9. Ten Commandments monuments will be installed in front of all state houses
  10. Citizens vs. United will continue but Roe vs Wade will be overturned
  11. Anti-abortion will be the law of the land
  12. Gender based bathrooms laws will spread nationwide like wildfire
  13. All state and federal courts will be packed with ultra conservative and religious appointees
  14. Gun lobby and second amendment protections will get stronger
  15. Federal funding to Christianity in the country and overseas will increase
  16. The defeat lesson of the Democrats in 2020 will be taught in political science classes in Harvard
  17. Democrats will change parties in droves
  18. It will be embarrassing to be called a Democrat in streets
  19. The Republicans, religious right and religion will have a grip on Washington for the next 30 years.
  20. Racism will rise
  21. Civil Rights progress will be set back 50 years
  22. Racial hatred crimes will rise
  23. Biases and hatred against immigrants will rise
  24. America will lose further respect around the world
  25. Many Americans will move to Canada
  26. May highly educated, qualified and successful immigrants will move back to home countries and to other countries (Canada, UK, Sweden, Norway, Finland)
  27. The religious right will call Trump's victory as the second coming of Jesus
  28. America will not remain a super power. China will.
St-Sinner 9 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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See who wins and vote

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 24, 2020

You got it backwards, vote then see who wins


I think my daughter put it best... the only way to beat a populist president is with another populist. Bernie is the Democrat's populist nominee.
Your fear of socialism is just silly. I do believe you're afraid your investments will suffer. I fear the marginalized populations in our country will suffer if things don't change pretty damn quick.
Rich people's money? Or people? Easy choice for me.


I'm almost as frantic over this as you are but if Trump wins again it will be because the Democrats are not sure just what to do and they continue to want "business as usual." That approach will not win them this election. It did not work last election and it will not work this time either. When you talk to Democrats they say "we need to win and we need to win big." Somewhere they are just losing me. They don't get it.

Very good and well put.


We all?? All your candidates are weak socialists, actually

That is tolerable I suppose because you can easily deny it. You cannot do it with Bernie with his communist past, can you?


You sound hysterical... Many of your 27 points of preview are ridiculous and absurd...
Did I mention im still voting for Bernie? Tell your Russian comrades that you have failed in your mission here at agnostic. Com. 😜😜😜

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