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That was a pretty standard debate. No one broke out this time but some did better..

Bloomberg was mostly left alone this time to answer the questions rather than having to defend himself all night. His answers were mostly good but the guy is still one hair removed from being a republican.

Buttigieg spent a lot of time attacking Bernie and may have landed a few hits. He's a centrist but he could be a decent president...someday.

Warren took some shots at Bloomberg early on with regard to his history of sexsm and the NDAs again but she moved off of the attacks after the first 10 mins and gave a pretty standard performance thereafter.

Bernie also made a fairly standard showing but nothing more than that. He didn't really excite and stumbled more than he has in the past and was even booed...twice. That was a new experience for him and it showed.

Biden did pretty well. I was pleased to see he had a decent night. I like the guy but I'm just not sold on him. I don't give a shit that he was Obama's vice. That doesn't mean he's the best choice. Obama himself was only a decent president, not a great one.

Klobuchar again made a competent showing but not much else. I really think she needs to drop out.

Steyer is...I just don't know if I like this guy or not. He did have a good night but it probably won't move his numbers. He should probably drop out now as well.

It was such a standard performance by everyone that I can't really call a winner or a loser.. Oh, and Norah O'Donnell has the prettiest eyes in all of broadcast news.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Feb 25

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Thanks for the summary - saved me another two or three hours of pain and suffering. Seriously, are they over yet? I think any candidate that could last this long, stay on point, not resort to ad hominem attacks against opponents, consistently attack Trump and his fallacy of how wonderful everything is, and that he's done anything substantial since 2017 - and maybe make it somewhat entertaining. They'd have my vote.

I really like Klobuchar the most - but she just has no charisma and I have serious doubts if she could stand up to the bullying Trump will deliver. I'd like Pete to get it just to see him cream Trump and his people for their rampant bullshit fake religion - but it's a real gamble, and corporate America has been very effective rallying a certain demographic against it making him about as popular to them as HRC was to Bernie Bros. And I'd like Bernie to get it just so we can force the 'Bros to put up or shut up - and if they do and he wins then get anything done other than a lot of yelling at clouds... so much the better And I'd like to see Bloomberg up there just to piss Trump off who can't mock his lack of money, and can't bring up the sexism - basically all he has is Mike's height - which is so easily countered with "I'm taller than your master Putin and your lover Kim Jong Un". But tell us again how you don't have a size problem Mr Trump. Biden - I'll actually pass unless it was only because he was guaranteed to win. Warren - I think she would kick Trumps flabby flatulent ass but when she get's riled up it probably doesn't go down well with many men - reminds too many of them of getting lectuired and berated by their mother.

Ultimately... can't we just have a quorum of the candidates running things? It just a dumb system to have one single person in control unanimously like that. We can live without a Supreme Leader in the justice department, nor in Congress or the Senate - although Mitch certainly acts like he is, because has all those bitches whipped with his wee beady eyes!


I agree that Steyer and Klobuchar will drop out soon. Maybe Biden too if he doesn't win SC or finishes out of the top three on Super Tue..

Steyer for sure. He's stayed pretty low in the running all the way through. However I've seen a lot of conflicting numbers that have Biden and Klobuchar higher in the listing and bloomberg and Warren a lot lower. There is still time for more flip flopping. It might be too early to tell just yet.

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