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Ten-year-old in Houston, Texas accidentally shot by babysitter
Tell me again how teenagers are responsible enough to touch guns. And this is in Texas again.


PondartIncbendog 8 Feb 27

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Read Tara Westover’s book (her first: a memoir), EDUCATED....about her family life growing up home schooled in Idaho.


The only thing keeping Texas from being the goofiest state in this country is Florida.

And we're sure giving them a run for their money.

@Lauren Yes we are.


Reading stories like this makes me glad I live in the


When I was about 13 yo I had an 8 yo hold a revolver on me. I blame the adults who don't follow basic gun safety rules.

I have never forgotten it either.

The gun was slung over a door in it's holster. Dumb as hell and irresistible to a child.


It's Texas babies can touch guns

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 27, 2020

It’s quite simple...regardless of what the NRA and 2nd Amendment activists say....there are too many guns in the USA, and there are way too many irresponsible people who have easy access to them. I’m not American so can’t say which States have the laxest gun laws, but find it horrifying that so many US citizens prefer to prioritise the right to bear arms, (something that was probably a necessity in 1791, but no longer should be so in 21st century America), over the countless deaths of children and other citizens, by either accidental or deliberate shootings every day in the USA.

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