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Anyone else out there think we really lost out when Christianity convinced the pagan world that spring fertility festivals were gauche and needed to go?

Bostonian 5 Mar 30

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Convinced at the point of a sword. Don't even get me started, Grrrrrr


funny isn't it how it evolves

Rosh Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

if you don't get horny in spring that's your hard luck


Dunno, the bit where we used to sacrifice (as in kill, quite horribly in many cases) a maiden I can do without.


Sounds fun.

Reminds me of a woman (self proclaimed pagan witch) who worked in the office with many of us. One gentleman, a Catholic, found out and went a little biserk for a few minutes. I think he was afraid she would cast a spell.


We lost out the moment we started using tools and cultivating the land. look how quickly we have fucked the planets nature.


I have very intelligent friends who are pagans. I am pretty sure they don't "believe" but they do the celebrations, and have a lot of fun.


Actually I don't think that is how it went the "Follopwers"(early christians were known as the Followers) in their effort to convert the Roman Empire, and several other Pagan groups made their holidays coinside with pagan holidays Christmas replaced the Winter Solace (or the first day of winter), Easter replaced Ister a pagan holiday that deals with spring plantings and several other major Follower's holidays

That is exactly what happened. February 2nd is Imbolc, the Vernal Equinox is Ostara, now Easter, May Day is Beltaine, Summer Solstice is Litha, August 1st is Lughnassadh, or the 1st harvest, autumnal equinix is Mabon in or the 2nd harvest, Samhain is called Halloween, the last harvest and the new year, winter Solstice is Yule, now Christmas. You can tell that many of the Christian holidays cooped the Pagan seasonal celebrations.


I think Christianity put the kibosh on all kinds of good pagan fun. I guess that’s one reason why I still celebrate Easter Christmas etc... why let a invisible psychic zombie ruin a great party ??‍♀️

Essie Level 6 Mar 30, 2018

Nothing wrong with running around bollock naked when the sun comes up at Stonehenge and you don't need to be a Druid to get Dave & the twins out!


Should have tossed them all into the sea.

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