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If most folks can agree that we "create our own reality" can we then agree that we create our own gods?

JustAskMe 6 Mar 1

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"most folks can agree that we "create our own reality"
Who are these "most folks" to whom you refer? I am unaware of them.
We perceive reality we do not create it, and having perceived we adapt accordingly.
Nor do we create our own gods, gods are a logical impossibility, our ancestors imagined god(s) extrapolating from their limited knowledge of the nature of reality and of human behavior as potential causes for what they could not explain. Having chosen to believe in that imagining until something better came along they indoctrinated subsequent generations in the false belief that these products of imagination were actual and factual, citing lack of evidence as proof of their mystic nature. Unfortunately in the meantime also becoming obsessed with protecting their intellectual properties, for the same reason we do to today, to maintain their ability to make and or extort money and wealth from the ignorant. So much so that they instigated pogroms, wars and holocausts to preserve their cash cows.


If an asteroid destroyed the Earth tomorrow, would this reality be our own individual creation, or would it be shared with 7 billion others who experience annihilation? Reality exists whether or not we as individuals accept, deny or even perceive it. In addition to the steady chain of causes and effects, reality consists of matter and energy, which can neither be created nor destroyed.

@Matias that is simple equivocation and psychologism,
So called social reality (an unnecessary subset of subjective reality) only exists on a phenomenological plane as in social constructs and abstract concepts. That is to say are only real in the senses that they are accepted as such or exist as ideas for the manipulation of physical reality. The same "social reality" may be given various names in different cultures and this unfortunately leads to disagreements or even wars over semantics.
Therefore as a rule we do not create them as such but are indoctrinated in to them , or abide by them for expediency, in exactly the same way we do with perceived physical reality.

@Matias Reality is reality—a fact is a fact. That Paris is the capital of France and the Euro is the accepted currency of Italy, are indisputable facts—to disagree with such (i.e., to deny reality) would be madness. If, however, by ‘social reality’ you mean to include things like language, dress, diet, music, art and customs, why not call it ‘cultural reality?’ My wife’s mother was born and raised in Firenze, but that is not how you (Florenz) or I (Florence) might choose to say the city’s name. That this city exists with all its wonders is fact, how we refer to it is subjective. For most of my life, Mumbai was Bombay and Beijing, Peking. Cultural references can change virtually overnight—culture is a subjective choice.

@Matias “If you prefer to say Peking or Beijing is up to you, it is just jour personal choice, and has nothing to do with social (or "cultural" ) reality.”

Really? Nothing to do at all? What if I insisted on a 'personal choice' to refer to Chinese people in terms that my ancestors were comfortable with? In my own lifetime, unless it describes a particular dish, Peking is no longer used, and the adjective ‘Oriental’ has been replaced with ‘Asian,’ when referring to people. Now you might say that I have a personal choice to use whatever terms I wish; however, certain repeated behaviors that are socially unacceptable result in one becoming a social pariah. Banging one's head against the wall in a wasted effort to publicly retain word usage of the past is to commit social suicide, which is akin to madness.

“Therefore sentences like "Jesus Christ is the son of God-Father" or "Donald Trump is the POTUS" express social facts - as long as there are enough people who take these sentences to be true.”

Not only do those two statements in succession tend jar the mind, but they simply aren’t comparable. A century from now, history will record that Donald Trump was the 45th president of the United States—an unalterable fact, no matter how unfortunate. The same cannot be said for the son of God claim.


I disagree that we create our own reality, otherwise we'd all create it better. But you'll get unanimous consent here I'm pretty sure that "we" (man) create all the gods

lerlo Level 8 Mar 1, 2020

"If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated."


We do not create reality, but we may create our own "reality". It's also known as fantasy.

we most certainly do create the reality we perceive.

@JeffMesser I see no evidence of that. Where is your evidence?

@BitFlipper when YOU figure out what pramanas you support then I will describe your evidence. before that you'll have to settle for simple neurology and psychology.

@BitFlipper here ... if that is too much then start with this

@JeffMesser we have different definitions of "reality".

@BitFlipper different definitions? really?? so you think that is a solid, blue table in front of you? there's no "blue" there. there is light bouncing off a lattice of molecules that aren't actually solid at all ... mostly just space. our experience has taught us the forms by which to perceive these things. but I can fool that with a variety of methods. our experience and expectations shape reality. and I am sorry but this is all FACT. so I am right and you are somewhere near delusional.

@JeffMesser Apparently we have different definitions of "civil discourse" too.

@BitFlipper This is Pook. Pook is a DOG (daag). Canis familiaris. He is not a cat or a snake or a lampshade or anything other than a DOG. If you say he is a CAT then you are WRONG. It's not your opinion that he's a cat and we're not somehow both right if I call him a dog and you call him a cat. I am correct and you are incorrect. If you persist in thinking Pook is a cat despite being informed otherwise then you are DELUSIONAL. He is a DOG. It is NOT your "opinion" that he is a cat. It is your "error" or "mistake" calling him a cat. Insisting that he is something that he is not is incorrect, delusional, and makes you either crazy or a dumbass. dog.


We don't always create our reality. Sometimes it is thrust upon us. We do create our own gods.


Cannot be bothered with a god or gods, would rather build an addition to my house!

@ToolGuy actually, it is tiny but comfy right now, but I would love a screened-in porch out back.


Goes without saying in my reality..


Don’t know that most folks do, do they?


I don't know about 'most' folks, maybe most here? I do agree with your sentiment though, look at how the holy dollar, and commerce have become worshippef throughout history. Even the judeo/christian bible is rather overeffusive about how people are constantly creating their own gods to worship. That god just happens to be quite jealous.

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