Daylight Saving Time...Love it or hate it?Personally I wish they would drop it.
Just more BS for the Corporations to control!!!
I never know what time it is, what day of the week, and the months are getting a little foggy.
I'm pretty sure I'm home. I just don't know who's home I'm in.
Retirement is great.
Does anybody really know what time it is?........(sorry, someone had to say it)
More of the year is on DST than on Standard time. WTF with that?
I wish they'd get rid of it. If they want to offset by 30 minutes year round, splitting the difference, I'm fine with that, but trying to adjust to the change twice a year takes a lot out of me and many other people. It's not just a one-day adjustment, but rather takes days or even a couple of weeks to fully get used to. I'd be happy for DST to go away forever.