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Biden announces to the world that "We cannot win this re-election, excuse me, we can only re-elect Donald Trump.

Joe Biden is clearly in cognitive decline. These are no longer just harmless gaffs, he is providing the republicans with ammunition to use against us. Trump is already retweeting this video saying "I agree with Joe."

There is a reason why his campaign is keeping him far from the spotlight.

This is serious folks. This man does not have the mental capacity to face Trump and if he is the nominee, we will lose in a historic landslide.

A few years ago, Biden was sharp as a tack and an excellent debater. Now, he is forgetful and struggles to put sentences together.

If Biden becomes our nominee, the election is lost. Trump will play on a loop this video along with the dozens of others showcasing Biden's mental slips.

Regardless of what you think of him, he is not the man he used to be. He ought to enjoy his golden years with his family, taking pride in his successes in serving as Senator and VP. His time has passed.

RoboGraham 8 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I concur. The Democrats would rather lose to the Republicans than give Sanders (who for awhile now has been the more popular candidate than Biden) a chance. Seems like a repeat of 2016, and we all know how that ended...


Another deep fake courtesy of Republican trolls

maybe not deepfake, just edited

@skado bad enough


Biden will implode. It is just a matter of time.

Translation..... Trump will win re-election in 2020.

With candidates like Biden and Bernie, who needs opponents to defeat us?

admitting Trump support?

No, just reading into the reality. It is not pretty and it is not what you want to hear. A special thanks to Bernie for declaring.. "Yes, I am a socialist" under our Democratic Party banner. Trump was very happy to receive this gift from Bernie on a silver platter.

ok. Still denying it.

@St-Sinner Sshhh, you're speaking too much truth here, folks can't handle it...


You might actually be right.
It's like fans who insist Tom Brady is still a great--or at least above-average--quarterback!
I've always really liked Joe Biden and I hate to see it, but he does seem to be suffering from early-stage dementia.
Still plenty of primaries, still plenty of choices...

You'll never get kensmiles to admit it....Biden's dementia.

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