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🐷 I requested some ideas for a pork shoulder butt last week.. Well, I finally made it today...

I marinated it overnight with the following :

Four tablespoons corn oil
One head of grated garlic
Salt and pepper
One tablespoon oregano
One tablespoon basil
One tablespoon Goya adobo

Create multiple pockets in the pork shoulder and fill with the marinade then coat the whole shoulder... Wrap in plastic bag... Overnight..

I put it on a baking pan with a slotted rack.. See photo.

Cooked at 300 degrees for four hours... Then increased the temperature to 350 degrees for thirty minutes to crisp it up..

Let rest for 20 minutes and serve..
It turned out great! Served with boiled potatoes with salt, pepper, and lots of butter..
Yummy 😊

Cutiebeauty 9 Mar 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks delicious!


I'm astonished you don't know the difference between your butt and shoulder? There must be the seed of a good joke in there somewhere ...

Regardless, it looks delicious to this non-vegetarian ..

@Philip21 I am a vegetarian. I eat all the beef to save the veggies..


A shoulder can’t be a butt! That’s crazy!

what he said ...

Locate one mutated pig. Cook until done. There.

@PondartIncbendog I presume that good pig knew his head from his ...

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