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“I’ll have some of that Moderate Protection please. Nothing too spicy for me.”

skado 9 Mar 20

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Using a Biblical metaphor is horse shit, especially since it was plagiarized in the first place from the Epic of Gilgamesh. And the hatch door would keep sink the ark.

Bernie has some good ideas, but none of them can make it through even the next congress. Fix the voting process and we'll be rid of the GOPutin for good.


Bernie’s boat looks top heavy if it wouldn’t float on the sea of reality..

Varn Level 8 Mar 20, 2020

Those umbrellas are malarkey proof so everything will be fine.


Unless big money is removed from government either of these options will move forward. The consolidation of power by big corporate has been grinding on for 40 + years reaching full bloom with trump in the WH.
American forgot the lessons from 1929.

One of these candidates agrees with you.

@skado Which is why he won't be running against trump 😟.

I agree he might not get a chance to run against Trump, but I suspect a different reason.

@skado Which is what?

In a system in which real democratic principles were operational, the fact that Bernie's policies are preferred by you and me and a majority of Americans, would not be the reason he couldn't run. We won't be able to discover the real reason because our legal system is broken too. The best we can do is look at the available evidence and make our best guess. My guess is, disinformation campaigns, DNC shenanigans, strategic poll closings, gerrymandering, second-guessing who can win, fear of losing to the monster-du jour, Republican cross-voting, identity attachment, deliberate digital vote flipping, political near-sightedness, etcetera, ad infinitum.

@skado Oh, I thought maybe you had the magic answer. 🙂 Your list is pretty depressing.

@skado Which policies of Sanders are preferred by the American people? Please list them and show where you are getting info.

I can’t prove it’s the case that a majority of Americans consciously prefer Sanders’ policies (just like you can’t prove they don’t) because there’s no way to measure it. It’s just my intuitive sense of things, given what I see. I know there are a lot of people who don’t want to take responsibility for climate change, or poverty, or student debt, or public health, and so on, but I get the impression a majority of voters, if only perhaps a slim majority, would be willing to take some of that responsibility. Almost every “moderate” Democrat I talk to says they like Bernie’s ideas, but they won’t vote for him because he can’t win. 😑

@skado Um I'm the opposite. Like Sanders, think his ideas are too far out there.

@Flowerwall Actually if you look at the platform Ike ran back in the 1950's Bernie ain't that far out there.

@silverotter11 Well I should learn more about the historical aspect. Present day, I don't think it's realistic.


This is the way to win. We need to get the hell away from extremists. Pragmatism is what will endure in the long run not dreamy eyed, unworkable programs.

Have a nice swim.

@skado I know how to swim, walk and vote!

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