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I thought it would be fun to put on my Medievial Fair costume and this mask and pull a cart down Main Street calling out " Bring out your dead", as they did during the Plagues in Europe.

ForTheBirds 6 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Where can I buy one? ?

I searched Medieval Doctor Plague mask. FYI. I picked up 70+ trackers and a dozen cookies in less than 10 minutes. I ran 3 anti spyware programs the minute I got off the internet.


Very thought invoking: our leaders don't seem to
give a RATS ASS about the past- thier "POWER OF BELIEF"
is straight out of the Dark Ages


You look lovely with the bird beak....


Very funny.....but I wonder if we will be having a similar situation as the Covid19 epidemic gets worse. A friend says they want all the old people to die so they can save Social Security from failing.


Sounds risky. I think too many people won't see the humor.

I got kicked off the local " Those born and grown up here" page. Oopsie !


For maximum humor do it in Italy

1of5 Level 8 Mar 21, 2020

Why? I'm not Italian! My husband is 1/4 Sicilian, the rest Irish. But I did collect all the Monty Python CD's I could get from a devoted fan that's a friend. I'm going to binge watch after coffee and meds !

@ForTheBirds sry, my bad. Humor should have been in air quotes.

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