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It is common Christian lore to depict science and education as evil and satanic. By extension, Christians are advised to despise and hate scientists and public schools. Christians 'homeschool' their children, and spread lies about 'elitists' who are educated or who have learned science.

It is the Christian opposition to science, education and progress that have retarded prudent precautions against disease and pandemics. We are now suffering the payback for tolerating Christian ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

racocn8 9 Mar 22

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Agreed, for the most part.. Anti intellectualism is likely shared with all religions, those seeking political control, as well. Envisioning a world in which Science was appreciated, used for decision making, relied upon to both advance and protect us is ..grand. Beam me up!

As is, we’re dealing with clever primates. Creatures for which the answers to everything could be revealed ..and ignored at the same time. Social structures have evolved to play on our fears and propensity for ignorance. Too many profit from that ignorance to give it up. Thus, Religion thrives … while Science struggles..

Varn Level 8 Mar 22, 2020

"Anti intellectualism is likely shared with all religions" - maybe you should check out this hypothesis before making such a statement?

@JeffMesser ...been exposed to that fact my entire life.. Religion fears both reality and science. That’s ‘why it’s here,’ to give foolish followers an alternative to both, reality - and science.

@Varn there are belief sets that embrace science and advancement. you're either being myopic or ill-educated.

@JeffMesser ...I am being?

They can’t, Science would undercut their foundations of sand. If any claim to either respect or encourage science - that’s why I haven’t met them … it’s not a concept supported or encouraged by any large Religion I’ve heard of…

There may be some who ignore Science, reality, or politics, but if their underlying tenants could be proven as fact, and not based on a world created by gods -- they wouldn’t be a religion, but a civic organization 😉

@Varn then you need to read more. Both Buddhists and the orthodox Hindus embrace science and change.

@JeffMesser With Religion being “the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.” If either have such tenants, then they conflict with Science and Reality. Pressed, their promoters would surely dismiss both science and reality to further their religion. If not, they are not Religions, but personal aspirations.

Here’s what I’d said: “Anti intellectualism is likely shared with all religions, those seeking political control, as well.” - I stand by it. If you can’t - ignore it ~

@Varn you are so deluded by your hate that you can't see the lack of logic in what you're saying. The Dalai Lama has had numerous interactions and programs with members of the advanced scientific community and often speaks of the pursuit for truth alongside science. He has a bachelors degree in chemistry. In Sanatan dharma all of the vedantists believe in science above all. Adi Shankara himself said if the scriptures (the vedas) say it's dark but I look and see the light then I will trust my eyes and ever since vedantists' beliefs follow science and physics and math. Recognize your myopic view or persist in delusion ... the choice is yours.

@JeffMesser Hey Dude, I’m done with your shit, waste your own time 😀

@Varn ignorance is shameful.


That’s a bit sweeping! Some Christians of a particular persuasion but certainly not ordinary Christians that I have engaged with in my life!


we're driven from birth to understand the world around us. it's a survival instinct that gives the brain purpose. the brain compares occurrence to expectation and acts accordingly. cause/effect and societal rules are part of that learning. thats why religion is so attractive to a great many persons because it provides those rules as well as identity. BUT it has to be able to advance and grow as the society grows and thats where Islam and Christianity both have massive failures. Those rules change as culture advances so the belief structure must also allow change. Unfortunately those particular belief sets try to enforce a literal interpretation of their mythos and don't accommodate scientific advances. you create a cognitive dissonance that forces reconsideration of identifying with the model at all vice just select portions of disagreement. you have to EMBRACE change and welcome it. not try to throw barricades up preventing its' advance.

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