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😱 There are now almost 12,000 confirmed covid 19 cases in NYS.. 8115 are in NYC alone... 60 deaths overall...
Governor Cuomo says it's because they are testing more... My response to that is, so what! It was better not knowing... Regardless of testing, the corona virus is spreading rapidly here... What do you think?

Cutiebeauty 9 Mar 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I think you need to grow an attraction to homely old men, and move to my home town....


If we don't know who has it how are we going to segregate them? Come on Kaitlyn.

Have you seen the news lately about NYC? Over 30,000 confirmed cases.. Over 20,000 in NYC.. Testing sure is working great!! Do you understand my point now?

@Cutiebeauty no


your city is scary!

Yes it is...


I Honestly don't know what to say or think, it's way beyond out of control now. All we can do as do our part to prevent it from Spreading, and hope someone finds a way to somewhat effectively stop or slow it till a significant vaccine is made this is extremely sad to have this happening😭


It’s important to identify the vectors so they can be isolated. It’s also important got allocation of resources if they get hospitalized.
We beat this disease through isolation and test test test test


Out of the people who do test positive, at least some will modify their behavior to protect others. it does help slow down the spread. and it also gives other people more control over what risks they choose to take, when being social. but yeah, the idea that we can just identify the people who are sick, manage them, and all is good.... that ship has sailed long ago


It's important to test and know. Bad new always sucks, but bad news rarely impiiroves with age or ignorance - see Trump, Donald for a good example of this in action.

Then there's stuff like this where dispersion absolutly needs to be tracked. []

1of5 Level 8 Mar 22, 2020

It seems to hit the coastal states right now. Cross your fingers to hope we are past the worst of it.


I like having accurate information to process and evaluate, but dislike the redundant reporting of opinion on both sides of the spectrum. I hope the general population puts aside their prejudice and do the right thing. #ghosttrump

This is accurate information.. I heard it first thing this morning on the news...


Ignorance never helps.


Well, here in Ireland the pubs are closed, gyms as well. Life has been resumed to go to work and back. This is causing quite a disruption and most likely another recession. I will most likely be working from home from Monday or Tuesday. There are people who have to leave home to go to work. They are most exposed, no matter how many precautions they take. Ok, this is quite bad, I was expecting to be like the A type flu but it has become quite a major disruption at all levels. Hopefully this will be under control soon.

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